Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Neu! - Neu! '72 non-public test

Ooh, look what got delivered today...

Yep - a drunken payday internet purchase a couple of Fridays ago and thank fuck I did it because this box set is fucking beautiful. You get heavyweight vinyl and gatefolds for the three main albums (2x white and 1x black vinyl), the full 86 album (featuring these two tracks) on nice lime green vinyl, and this here previously unreleased curio (black vinyl). Chuck in an album-sized 36 page book and a stencil to brighten up the local walls and you're cookin. Oh, did I mention the exclusive code to download mp3s for the full shebang and delivery of a nice orange t-shirt?

This is all you're getting as it's not available elsewhere and I don't think it would put off any punters contemplating the album.

Right! We're on a Kraut-roll here - off to see Faust do their cement mixer thing at the Arches...

Neu! - Neu! '72 non-public test
A - 6May '72 Part 1
B1 - 6May '72 Part 2
B2 - 6May '72 Part 1

Buy the box set here


Ronan KC said...

cheers for this Moggieboy. Seriously tempted to buy that box-set, might hve to wait til the Buckie kicks in!

swiss adam said...

Very nice. Thanks very much Moggieboy

Moggieboy said...

Yeah, probably a good idea. I can PM a few folk via here if they're a good sort.

the saucer people said...

Had these tracks on repeat for the last hour and finally managed to
wipe the drool off the laptop and set my jaw back in place..yeah, they are that good.

I have said this before about Neu! (and a sprinkling of other bands like Suicide, Can, Velvets & Chrome) but it really should be compulsory for any band or artist before they begin to record so much as an MP3 (never mind release a record) to listen to their albums on a weekly basis for at least a year and then either give up or at least grasp what is possible sonically speaking.
Thats not to say, artists should attempt to emulate the sound of these pioneers as that seldom works (the recent Factory Floor EP being an exception to the rule) but at least aspire to being something other than utter mediocrity which most contemporary artists seem happy to be....

erm anychance of the ahem "codes" (nod,wink)..will provide a full review in return of course (jackamo23ATgmailcom)....it may persuade the significant other to let me get the boxset..."I'll keep the vinyl, you can have the teeshirt & stencil"....seems very reasonable to me!