Friday, 22 May 2009

Various - Feelings Not Frequencies

Someone asked about more tracks by Projective Vision a while back, and I said that they'd only released two 12"s. I'd forgotten about the tracks on this compilation of Holistic stuff - one of the few CDs that surived my clearout.

Track 1 is exclusive to the CD, track 3 is the B-side to Close Encounter, and track 5 is the slightly renamed B-side of the mighty Apocalypse. I've previously posted a track from Titanic as well, so this is a nice wee collection of the criminally under-rated Holistic label...

Various - Feelings Not Frequencies
1 - Projective Vision - Dreams of the Impossible
2 - Thunderhead - Medevil
3 - Projective Vision - Equilibrium
4 - Titanic - Spaced Out Cow
5 - Projective Vision - Khange
6 - Titanic - On My Case

Buy it here


Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for giving me more Projective Vision. That was very nice of you. I still think Apocalypse is the best track. thanks for putting it out there!