So here it is, back round again. The festive season was especially good fun blog-wise last year, I'd decided to stop the 2009 version of vinyl rips and go into the less frequent (before its slow painful death) 2010 incarnation. There were few extra special treats that I'd been saving, so here's a couple of lazy-bastard reposts to commemorate things this year, alongside the FACTORY FLOOR rip below.
Xmas 2010 for me so far has been a bit of a nightmare as hardly any of the presents I've ordered online have arrived, and the bank knocked me back for a tenner yesterday which is a new record. BUT - it's been a fairly mental couple of weeks of gigs, clubbing and other assorted over indulgences so I've done no bad.
Right, off to see Drum Eyes at the Captains Rest. Have a great couple of weeks...
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
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Labels: ripped in glasgow
Factory Floor - Bipolar
7" released on Outside Sound from 2008, up here for a VERY SHORT TIME so get it while it's hot.
What can I say? The band of 2010 for me by a country mile. I went on about them enough over the course of the year and posted as much as I thought I could get away with so if you were a regular you'll know what I'm on about.
Managed to see 'em three times, the best of which was on the Optimo stage at the Electric Frog Street Carnival back in the summer. A superb live act, and I'm gutted I can't afford to go and see them at the ICA in February with Chris & Cosey. Fuck me - that's a helluva line-up.
Anyway, this was an early release and came out on Claire from Rotters' label. Nice orange vinyl as well. I won't be keeping the link up so if you've not got it then get a fuckin move on.
Merry Xmas m'dears, and thanks again for all the support you gave the blog over the 18 (or thereabouts) months...
Factory Floor - Bipolar
A - Bipolar
B - You Were Always Wrong
Buy it here
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Labels: factory floor
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Optimo - I Love Techno - 13 November 2010
Our heroes live in Ghent a couple of weeks ago.
Banging in Belgium? Oh yes. Complete with shouty over-excited MC this takes no prisoners - you can forget the Nina Simone / This Mortal Coil side of Optimo here, this is back to the old PURE days in style.
Taken from the gig itself you can hear the manual touching-up and down of the 12"s, which makes a change from some of the over-produced so-called 'live mixes' you hear floating about these days.
Bastard! Got a tweet from JD Twitch last night to say "ha ha! I knew you couldn't stop" when I did the post below. Aye very good. Definitely not back for good, but we can't have a Weatherall without an Optimo, can we? A two-off, if you will.
Right - off to see Atari Teenage Riot, should clear out the midweek cobwebs...
Optimo - I Love Techno - 13 November 2010
Buy the new stuff on Optimo Music here
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Labels: optimo
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Andrew Weatherall - 6 Mix - Screamadelica Special
Recent Weatherall show in collaboration with Primal Scream.
Well, what can I say? One of the most inspired musical pairings of all time, this has pretty much set out the stall for the last 20 years of my life. When I first heard back in January about the Screamadelica gigs this weekend, I bought a ticket on autopilot (as always), but haven't really given a shit about it either way.
Until now.
It's Primal Scream week on 6 Music, and this started things off on Sunday, along with an Alan McGee 'First Time' show. Things come to a climax with the broadcast of Friday night's show on 6. I won't be listening to it as it's Saturday I'm off to see the show (same as all the TRUEFANS as it was announced first - fuck I hate myself sometimes), but will no doubt download it when I get back.
Being a sucker for a deluxe vinyl product, I nearly had to go for a wank when I saw this, and then THIS. Just as well I got a bit of cash for my birthday last week. Which one to buy though - the red one looks better but the white one's more limited (and signed)...
So, the Weatherall show then. It's great to hear him in 'reminiscing' mode, plenty of anecdotes as you'd expect. I'm coincidentally reading Jah Wobble's autobiography just now as well, so it all ties in very nicely, thank you very much.
Back for good? Nah, but who knows what's round the corner...
*EDIT* no sooner back on air than I get a message from the kind folks at offering me use of these fine images. Too late for the upload but I'm sure you can do your own thing with 'em. Cheers!
Andrew Weatherall - 6 Mix - Screamadelica Special
1 - Jhalib — Mysteries of the East
2 - Los Niños Del Parque — Liaisons Dangereuses
3 - A Certain Ratio — And Then Again
4 - Jah Wobble — Not Another
5 - Can — Mother Earth
6 - Johnny Jenkins — Walk on Gilded Splinters
7 - Chairmen of the Board — Morning Glory
8 - Annie Anxiety — As I Lie in Your Arms
9 - Prince Far I & The Arabs — Homeward Bound
10 - Bill Laswell — Lost Roads
11 - Public Image Ltd. — Radio 4
12 - Nico — Evening of Light
13 - Brian Eno — From The Same Hill
14 - Gene Clark — Strength of Strings
15 - Donnie Fritts — We Had it All
16 - Dennis Wilson — Thoughts of You
17 - Curtis Mayfield — Think
18 - Pharoah Sanders — Astral Travelling
19 - The Delfonics — Didn't I Blow Your Mind
20 - Isaac Hayes — Walk On By
21 - Suicide - Dream Baby Dream
Buy me the Screamadelica Reissue here
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Labels: primal scream, weatherall
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Jarvis Cocker - Birthday Megamix - 6 Music
Hour long 'megamix' from Sheffield's finest, broadcast last Sunday (19th September) on 6 Music.
I can't remember what Sunday afternoons were like before Jarvis' show started on 6 Music, but they weren't nearly as good, that's for sure. It was his birthday on Sunday there, so he treated us to an hour long mix in his honour (and why the fuck not). We were listening to it in the flat as ever, and were blown away - a great mix of tunes and dialogue as you can see below.
I've been out of action for the last week or so due to a mysterious pain which the doctor initially thought was a punctured lung (it wasn't) and haven't had the inclination to post anything. It's still sore, which is a bugger, but thought I'd get this up anyway. Normal service will be resumed at some point. It had better be OK for the Optimo Turbo Rave on Friday night, mind you I should have some way of suppressing the pain if it's not...
Jarvis Cocker - Birthday Megamix - 6 Music
1 - The BBC Radiophonic Workshop — Happy Birthday
2 - Burt Bacharach — Something Big
3 - Sir John Betjeman — Indoor Games Near Newbury
4 - Leroy Anderson — The Typewriter
5 - Ost — Diary of a Taxi Driver
6 - Gonzales — Armellodie
7 - The Tremeloes — Here Comes My Baby
8 - Lou Reed — Coney Island Baby (live)
9 - Van Morrison — Coney Island
10 - Ennio Morricone — La Resa Del Conti
11 - Ost — Dialogue & Music from the TV series 'Kung Fu'
12 - Étienne de Crécy — Prix Choc
13 - Boris Midney — D-D-D-Dance
14 - Dylan Thomas — Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
15 - My Disco — Paradise A
16 - Artery — Cars In Motion
17 - Eddy Current Suppression Ring — Hey Mum
18 - Fleetwood Mac — Oh Well
Check out Jarvis' show's homepage here
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Labels: jarvis cocker
Monday, 13 September 2010
Troy Tate - Love Is... (Dance Mix)
Solo 12" by him-out-of-the-Teardrop-Explodes from 1983 on Rough Trade.
Picked this up as part of a '7x12"s for a fiver' deal at a great new second hand vinyl shop that's just opened about 4 minutes from my front door. Fuck - that's me screwed, got a whole load already and barely scratched the surface. Looks like they've got hunners of great stuff if you're prepared to wade through the crates.
Alongside the various session musicians on this are Virginia Astley, Rolo McGinty and David Balfe. Star-studded, eh? I hadn't heard this prior to shelling out my 70p or so on it and it was the Julian Cope fan in me who picked it up, but it's actually really good - not nearly as dated as you'd think. In fact, some of the production is almost Moroder-esque - I shit you not. The A-side's actually a right catchy wee ditty that I've just caught m'lady singing along to.
I realise that I'm talking this up maybe a wee bit too much but there you go - take a chance on an early 80s electronic synthy oddity, I dare you...
Troy Tate - Love Is... (Dance Mix)
A - Love Is... (Dance Mix)
B1 - Love Is...
B2 - I'm Mad
B3 - Lifeline
Buy it here
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Labels: troy tate
Andrew Weatherall - Haywire Christmas Mix CD 2003
Electro-tastic festive feast from 2003.
This is comin' at ya courtesy of RiG viewer 'Matt' from Maidenhead, who picked it up at the 2003 Haywire Christmas party (lucky so-and-so). Cheers Matt, as it's a great mix - something a wee bit different to the usual fare.
Should keep the Weatherall wolf from the door for a wee while at least. Next 6 Mix perhaps...
Andrew Weatherall - Haywire Christmas Mix CD 2003
Buy Weatherall stuff here
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Labels: weatherall
Friday, 10 September 2010
Aeroplane - August Mix Tape
Fairly recent mix from the Eskimo favourite.
Fuck me this is amazing - I've had this on the go for a while but hadn't listened to in its entirety until I came back from work yesterday. Absolutely fantastic mix. Anyone on the Eskimo mailing list will have this already, but this is for anyone who isn't.
Aeroplane look like they're about to go MASSIVE if recent 6 Music airplay of the new single (out on Monday) counts for anything. I see they've made a Lady Gaga pisstake video as well, so that's all gonna help the masterplan (I'm assuming).
I've always missed them (him?) when they've played Glasgow, which is surprising as they're up here all the time. Mind you, I'd probably be the oldest bastard there so maybe I'm better off checking them out from afar...
Aeroplane - August Mix Tape
1 - Marbeya Sound - No Anchor
2 - Hannulelauri - Zombie Tropicana
3 - Dana Bergquist - Acapulco
4 - Drop Out Orchestra - Baby Come Home (Sit On My Ritz) Dub Mix
5 - Cosmonauts - El Toro (Italo Dub)
6 - Kasper Bjore - Heaven (Muzzle Flash Remix)
7 - Mark Seven - Pillow Talk
8 - Loin Brothers - Garden of Vargulf (Tornado Wallace Remix)
9 - Diskokaine - Hall of Shame (Hannulelauri Remix)
10 - Julie Walehwa - I Mind (Weirdo Police Remix)
Order THAT new Aeroplane record here
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Labels: aeroplane
Andrew Weatherall - ALFOS Limited Edition DJ Mix - 19 August 2010
Recent CD mix, exclusive to the first 50 folk through the door at ALFOS in London.
Andrew Weatherall - mind him? Used to be a permanent feature on this blog but he's not been on here for a good couple of weeks now. Mind you, me being a lazy bastard hasn't helped. Don't worry, got another wee treat lined up over the weekend.
A HUGE thanks to Brother Johnston for sending me this CD up in the post - it arrived today and I've got it on just now. A big departure from the previous mix I posted, as this one is all electronic music (so far). Nice sleeve as well, signed by the man himself. Oddly, it's spilt into five tracks (four short ones and a 50min one) but flows perfectly as a mix right through. I'm currently about halfway through it and in my unbiased opinion it's sounding fairly magnificent. A few oldies thrown in as well, so I don't feel completely out of touch.
*EDIT* now finished listening - nice and mellow (please shoot me for using that word) at the end as well. Not a 'club' mix, so definitely up the ALFOS street right enough. Sounds like a great wee night they've got down at The Drop.
Right Sean, how about persuading Audrey to accompany yourself up here to Bonnie Scotch-land for a wee ALFOS night at Sleazys or The Captains Rest - they seem about right size-wise...
Andrew Weatherall - ALFOS CD Mix - 19 August 2010
Buy Weatherall stuff here
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Labels: hardway bros, weatherall
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Helicon - Take The Ride EP
New(ish) EP from local(ish) bunch...
Helicon first came onto my radar when someone linked to their excellent cover of Hallogallo in a post below. This prompted me to check them out on their myspazz where I discovered a link to this EP.
I had a sneaky suspicion that there may be a Mogwai influence or two lurking away in their sound due to the band name, but there's much more besides. His'n'hers vocals for a start. They sound quite shoegazey in places, and I mean that as a compliment.
I got in touch with the band to see if they minded me posting this, and it turns out it was recorded in a studio in the back-of-beyond place where I grew up (and actually played a gig about 22 years ago but that's a different story). Small world, eh? They're from East Kilbride, the shithole that was home to the Jesus & Mary Chain back in the day (and home to my only ever car crash) - obviously a hot bed for creative talent that place...
I've listened to this a good few times now, and will definitely be checking 'em out the next time they play live - this is definitely worth a download.
Oh, apologies for the lack of recent posts. Real life (ie worky pish) has been getting in the way...
Helicon - Take The Ride EP
1 - The Point Between Heaven and Hell
2 - Truth Or Consequence
3 - Hiding In The Shadows
Check out their myspazz for more tracks
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Labels: helicon
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Chris Carter - The Spaces Between
Latest release on the mighty Optimo Music label, out next week.
Originally recorded between 1974 and 1978 at Industrial Records studio in London, 'The Space Between' album was first released as a 90 minute cassette in 1980 on Throbbing Gristle's Industrial Records label. It eventually got released by Mute on CD around 1990. This new vinyl-tastic edition (for the first time), now retitled 'The Spaces Between', doesn't include all the tracks of the original album but has been enhanced and remastered from the original two-track master tapes and has new cover artwork especially for this release.
JD Twitch has this to say about the release...
"The original release featured fifteen tracks. As I wanted to have a reasonably loud vinyl pressing, I have picked my favourite six to appear here (not an easy task to narrow it down). In addition there is a bonus track "Climbing" which was recorded around the same time that was released by Coil's Geoff Ruston on his "Men With Deadly Dreams" cassette in 1981. One of the first ever recordings to use an 808 drum machine, it still sounds as if it is from tomorrow. In my opinion, these are some of the key recordings in the history of electronic music. They were made using very basic equipment at a time when there was no blueprint for what electronic music could and should be. There is a beauty, an emotion and an imagination present here that is lacking in a lot of modern machine music. This music is as vital and wondrous today as it was four decades ago."
Due to the 'only just getting released' nature of this, you're only getting the one track (the one that was available on their Soundcloud)...

Chris Carter - The Spaces Between
A1 - Beat
A2 - Outreach
A3 - Clouds
A4 - Electrodub
B1 - Interloop
B2 - Solidit
B3 - Climbing
Buy it here
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Labels: chris and cosey, chris carter, throbbing gristle
Grinderman - Evil (Factory Floor Remix)
Web-rip of two of my favourite bands shimmying up to each other, courtesy of The Quietus this time.
What can I say - Factory Floor have stamped their unique mark onto this track from the new Grinderman album. Sounds a bit like a 2010 version of Suicide if you ask me, which has to be a great thing. Again, as per the Weatherall Mix below, this isn't getting a proper release - it's gonna only be available on the iTunes version of the album and we can't buy it in the shops. Shame, I could go a nice wee 12" with the AW mix on one side and this one on the other.
As I said below, I will be buying said album on shiny new vinyl and you won't be finding it anywhere near this blog. Just in case anyone from Mute is reading this, likesay...
Grinderman - Evil (Factory Floor Remix) < EDIT > link has been pulled, if anyone wants it send me an email (moggieboy at gmail dot com) < /EDIT >
Pre-order the Grinderman album here
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Labels: factory floor
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Mater Suspiria Vision - Lords of Lights Mixtape
Mixtape by my latest 'new favourite band', courtesy of the Actual Pain website.
Much as it pains me to say it, this is part of recent sub-genre 'witch house', also known (in increasingly WTF order) as drag, ghost drone, screwgaze & crunkshoegaze, depending who you're talking to. Hmmm....
Who gives a fuck - it's right up my street. Electronic with a bit of goth thrown in? I'll take a bit of that. We spent a good hour on Saturday night going through the plethora of MSV videos on YouTube and fucking loving each one. Between this and Factory Floor, 2010 is shaping up to be a great year for new bands.
In the cold light of day on Sunday afternoon, I was regaling the troops with our tales of YouTubbery from the previous night. Before too long we ended up back at the flat and needless to say they weren't too impressed. "It's just the original slowed down", said Mr Lady Gaga Fan when I played him the MSV version of Paparazzi. *sigh* - some folk just don't get it.
Anyways - this mix? Well anything which features R-i-G favourites The Sisterhood has to be a winner. It's also got some MSV 'ghost drone' remixes and various other dark, gloomy electronic types.
I've got the 'Vogue Witch Box' from the myspazz site winging its way in my direction, so cannae wait to check that one out. Right, off to crimp what's left of my hair. Mine's a snakebite'n'blackcurrant...
Mater Suspiria Vision - Lords of Light Mixtape
1 - Goblin - Suspira (MSV Edit)
2 - Adamski - Killer (MSV Ghost Drone Edit)
3 - The Sisterhood - Rain From Heaven
4 - Pink Floyd - Obscured By Clouds
5 - Damenbart - Innovative Schwingungen
- Machine Gun Commercial -
6 - Aids-3D - Eternal Love
7 - Modern Witch - Ghosts Of You
8 - Mater Suspiria Vision - Call Of The Witches
- Ghostelude -
9 - Fever Ray - Keep the Streets Empty for Me (Mater Suspiria Vision's Floating Streets Edit)
10 - Mya - Ponytail
11 - Balam Acab - See Birds
12 - Salt'n'Pepa - Push It (Ghost Drone Remix)
- Mind Commercial -
13 - Rosemary - Sleep Alone
14 - Goblin - Sighs (from Suspiria)
15 - Hector Zazou La Perversity - La Soupeuse
16 - Christian Brown - Aravanadi (Ghost Drone Edit)
Check out their myspazz here
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Labels: mater suspiria vision
Monday, 23 August 2010
The First Time With... Bill Drummond - 6 Music Rip
An hour of chat and music with the Greatest Living Scotsman, recorded off 6 Music yesterday.
Matt Everitt spoke to King Boy D about his musical life and played some suitable records along the way. Anyone who's read Bill's books or seen any of his recent(ish) talky shows will be familiar with most of the tales here, but I could listen to him read a shopping list and still dig it - he's got a unique ability to make ANYTHING sound interesting; his latest book features in depth analysis of different bird species and thoughts on evolution of fish in Scottish lakes (which I found fascinating).
The inevitable question of the million quid rears its head in the second half, but the subject gets dealt with fairly painlessly (they definitely did it - of course they did).
It's split into pre-KLF before the news (edited out) and KLF-beyond afterwards, culminating in some banter about all "The 17" carry on from a couple of years ago.
Well worth an hour of anyone's time...
The First Time With... Bill Drummond - 6 Music Rip
1 - The KLF and The Children Of The Revolution — 3 AM Eternal
2 - Lonnie Donegan — Rock Island Line
3 - The Beatles — Penny Lane
4 - The Beatles — Strawberry Fields Forever
5 - Big in Japan — Cindy And The Barbi Dolls
6 - The Teardrop Explodes — Treason (It's Just A Story)
7 - Echo & The Bunnymen — Villiers Terrace
8 - The KLF and The Children Of The Revolution — What Time Is Love?
9 - The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu — It'S Grim Up North
10 - The Timelords — Doctorin The Tardis
11 - The KLF and Tammy Wynette — Justified & Ancient
12 - Fairport Convention — Who Knows Where The Time Goes
Buy his latest book here
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Labels: bill drummond
Grinderman - Heathen Child (Weatherall 'Bass' Remix)
Exclusive rip of the Audrey remix of the new single by Nick Cave et al, courtesy of our pals over at FACT Magazine.
Ooh, I've been waiting for this baby for a while now and it doesn't disappoint. Fuck me - the mix is aptly titled, to quote the FACT article, it "teases a low-slung, snake-charming post-punk groove out of the original, complete with speaker-ripping subs and more echo than a batcave." Not a word of a lie - if I heard this on a big sound system it would dislodge membrane in my head.
Can't wait to hear the full Grinderman album, and we're off to see them at the Barras next month. Imagine if they attempted to pull this off live? (nae chance!)
What a nice thing to arrive home to after a shitty Monday in the pissing rain. Thanks to FACT Magazine for hosting the mix, which it looks like you'll only be able to get via the iTunes version of the album. Well, I'll be getting the vinyl so this post is completely justified (in my head).
Did I mention the video? Fuck me - it's got topless women, werewolves, guns, blood, more topless ladies, freaky imagery, Nick Cave shooting lasers out of his eyes and all sorts of other nonsense, courtesy of John Hilcoat of 'The Road' fame...
Grinderman - Heathen Child (Weatherall 'Bass' Remix) <<-- link removed
Pre-order the single & album here
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Labels: grinderman, nick cave and the bad seeds, weatherall
Friday, 20 August 2010
Hallogallo 2010 - Lincoln Center Out Of Doors Festival - 6 August 2010
Recent live show, ripped from this blog as mentioned on the post below.
This will make a nice companion to the 7" rip from the gig, and should convince anyone who's undecided about going to see 'em that Hallogallo 2010 is an unmissable gig.
Not too much to add to what was said below, but in answer to a couple of emails I've had recently moaning about the fact that my web rips are 320kbps when they're usually streamed at less than that I can only say, "get tae fuck". Some folk are never happy.
In case you didn't read the comments below by official "friend of RiG" The Saucer People and anon below, here are a few more Neu! related items of interest (big thanks to you both):
Betty Botox - Dingered & Rothered [2005]
Neu! - Hallogallo [Beyond The Wizards Sleeve 'I Swim Around' Rework [2008]
Michael Rother - Neutronics 98
Helicon - Hallogallo (interesting cover by a bunch from east Kilbride)
Anyway, Hallogallo 2010 in the house. Have a blast with this one. I'm off on a cocktail making course just now...
Hallogallo 2010 - Lincoln Center Out Of Doors Festival - 6 August 2010
1 - Hallogallo 2010 (Unreleased)
2 - Neutronics 98 (A Tribute to Conny Plank)
3 - Aroma Club B3
4 - Deluxe
5 - Veteranissimo
6 - Dino
Buy NEU! stuff here
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Labels: Hallogallo 2010, neu
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Hallogallo 2010 - Blinkgürtel/ Drone Schlager
7" single on Vampire Blues, available from the Hallogallo 2010 shows this year.
Fuck me - what a show that was last night. The lineup was the same as when I saw them in May at Primavera - Michael Rother, Steve Shelley from Sonic Youth (drums) and Aaron Mullan from Tall Firs (bass). I think the Primavera gig was their debut performance - Steve Shelley was a bit out of sync and there were a few mistakes, but last night was perfect - absolutely mindblowing.
You cannot afford miss this show - there are a few more dates around the world, including more UK shows - check 'em out here. It was an hour and 15mins of intense rhythmic majesty - my body was moving about involuntarily, and during rare moments of taking a step back and checking out the other punters, I wasn't alone. Wasn't pissed either, and no other nonsense (Tuesday night after all). Steve Shelley must be a contender drummer-wise out of the current crop of tubthumpers - his arms must have been fucked afterwards. A great mix of punters as well - looked like there were a few casualties from the 70s as well as cunts like us. I'd never seen anyone wearing a Tangerine Dream t-shirt before last night, so that's one to tick off the list.
I'm sure the Edinburgh show last night must have been recorded; there's nothing up on Dime yet but you can stream a superb recording of the New York show from a couple of weeks ago here. I'm recording it as we speak so will upload once it's done.
I couldn't believe it when I saw that they were selling this 7". What's a tenner for a 7" after the expense of the Neu! box set? It's got a couple of no bad (on first listen) unreleased tracks by this lineup, which I'm pretty sure weren't played at the gig. The B-side's a wee bit crackly so I'll see if the copies that the rest of the gang bought are the same and will grab a rip off them if theirs are any different. I'll give these tunes a bit more attention once I've finished listening to that show from New York.
Herr Rother looked so appreciative of the audience - he looked majestic, cool as fuck. Wish he was my uncle, or something...
Hallogallo 2010 - Blinkgürtel/ Drone Schlager
A - Blinkgürtel
B - Drone Schlager
Check out Michael Rother's Myspace here
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Labels: Hallogallo 2010, neu
Monday, 16 August 2010
Hardway Bros - Ekstravaganza 5 - Corsica Studios 23/7/10
New(ish) mix from Brother Johnston, recorded a few weeks ago in London town.
Got this sent via email from Mr J at the end of last week, and he said that there will be new ALFOS mixes from himself and Andrew Weatherall this week. Hopefully he'll send them over as well. This mix is great - I'm a bit out of touch with current stuff that's being played out so this has plenty of acts to investigate further, which I've been doing over the last couple of hours.
The mix was a warm-up set for Ivan Smagghe, who played Glasgow last night at Hung Up. I'm ashamed to say I didn't make it down, as I was paying the price for 24 hours of madness in Edinburgh & beyond, and couldn't do much more than veg out watching Oz on DVD nursing a bottle of wine last night. Next time, Ivan!
This party looks great - according to Sean, "the french fella and I pretty much tore 'em a new one." If this was a warm-up mix then fuck knows what the main set was like. In other news, he's working with Scott from BIOS on a techno side-project, so I look forward to hearing the fruits of that one...
Hardway Bros - Ekstravaganza 5 - Corsica Studios 23/7/10 <<== should be working OK now
1 - Tornado Wallace - Paddlin' (Linkwood remix)
2 - Skatebard - Starwatcher II
3 - Cole Medina - I Got My Mind Made Up (Cole's Remake)
4 - Runaway - Dirty Cake
5 - Rebolledo, Daniel Maloso - Colt Seavers
6 - Mike Burns - Patterns
7 - John Talabot - La Ninya - Afrodub Version
8 - Mungolian Jetset - Mush In The Bush
9 - Williams - Confused Arp Disco
10 - Spectacle - The Mask Of Sanity
11 - Andrew Weatherall - Brother Johnston's Travelling Disco Consultancy
12 - Junesex -Worst Than Love - Gilb'r Chateau Flight Remix
13 - Cage &Aviary -Beat-N-Path - Brennan Green's mix
14 - Von Spar -Troops - Rebolledo Remix
15 - Midnight Magic - Beam Me Up - Jacques Renault Remix
16 - Cole Medina - Red Hot - The Mole's MMD Mix
17 - Chopstick & Johnjon feat Fritz Kalkbrenner - Keep On Keepin' On
18 - T-Coy - Carino - Motor City Drum Ensemble mix
19 - Henrik Schwarz, Kuniyuki Takahashi - Once Again Kuniyuki Version
20 - Wolfgang Voigt - Geduld - DJ Koze Mix
21 - Roxy Music -The Main Thing - Rub N Tug Remix
22 - Jamie Jones - Ruckus
Check out Hardway Bros on Soundcloud
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Labels: hardway bros
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Cajmere / Future Funk - Percolator 2010
A genuine WTF!? moment from Cajmere, alongside stars of America's Got Talent (wait - come back)...
OK, so I've been following Cajmere / Green Velvet on Twitter for a while, and a few months back he recommended checking out a video of these two kids who were on America's Got Talent. Now I wouldn't normally watch such filth(!) but this got me interested. Check out the clip here - two dancers, aged 5 and 9. Magnificent stuff:
Wow! Literally, amazing. So, next up Cajmere is going on about releasing a Percolator remix album and making a video to promote it. It came out the other day, and features the Future Funk kids in a school, with Cajmere! (I think the show is still going, and they are still in it) Most bizarre...
I've posted the original Percolator track before, so here it is again to tie in with this mental remix project...
Right, I'm off to add to Edinburgh's cunt population for the next 24 hours...
Cajmere - Chit Chat (The Remixes) / Coffee Pot
A1 - Chit Chat (Chit Chat Remix)
A2 - Chit Chat (Clubhouse Mix)
A3 - Chit Chat (Late Night Mix)
B1 - Chit Chat (Original Instrumental)
B2 - Coffee Pot (Percolator Mix)
B3 - Naumatunedacorra (Remix)
Buy Cajmere/GV stuff here
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Labels: cajmere, future funk
Friday, 13 August 2010
Various - Balearic Beats - Vol. 1 - The Album
Classic compilation on FFRR, released in 1988.
Picked this up on vinyl recently in Oxfam Music for the bargain price of £4.99! Compiled by Paul Oakenfold, Pete Tong and Trevor Fung, this is all yer Shoom/Spectrum/Future/Ibiza classics rolled into one handy package.
I was too young to appreciate all that crazy ecstasy dance music at the time, and was going through an ill-advised gothy/alternative period myself. When I 'saw the light' circa 1992 and back-tracked accordingly it was a bit of a surprise to see what kinda shit they'd been playing in the clubs just as things kicked off. The Residents? Nitzer Ebb? The Cure, even? WTF - maybe I hadn't been too far off the mark after all. Of course, once the bubble burst and every cunt and his granny were knocking out dance records in their bedrooms they dropped all this shit from the playlists.
The story's been told ad nausea about the infamous trip to Ibiza that kicked things off back in Blighty on return, but if there is anyone remaining in the dance music universe who hasn't read Simon Reynolds' opus "Energy Flash" (shame on you!) then it should fill in all of the appropriate gaps.
It's well worth having a swatch at Terry Farley's sleevenotes which capture the innocence of the whole thing. There's a nice wee video here as well.
I still can't believe that a bona fide classic from that scene came from Mandy Smith, who was seemingly able to juggle between getting pumped by the uncoolest Rolling Stone and producing a (brilliant) club hit with Stock, Aitken and Waterman, all by the tender age of 16...
Various - Balearic Beats - Vol. 1 - The Album
A1 - Electra - Jibaro (Full English 12" Version)
A2 - Code 61 - Drop The Deal
A3 - Beats Workin' - Sure Beats Workin' (El Sonido Casa Balearico)
A4 - Enzo Avitabile - Black Out
A5 - Mandy Smith - Mandy's Theme (I Just Can't Wait) (Cool & Breezy Jazz Version)
B1 - The Residents - Kaw-Liga (Prairie Mix)
B2 - The Woodentops - Why Why Why (Live)
B3 - Nitzer Ebb - Join In The Chant
B4 - Fini Tribe - De Testimony (Collapsing Edit)
B5 - The Thrashing Doves - Jesus On The Payroll (Street Groove)
Buy it here
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Labels: Balearic Beats, Beats Workin, Code 61, Electra, Enzo Avitabile, finitribe, Mandy Smith, Nitzer Ebb, The Residents, The Woodentops, thrashing doves
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Silver Columns - Always On (Caribou Remix)
SUPERB mix of the Silver Columns track, courtesy of the wonderful people over at FACT Magazine.
I only realised when I read that article that one of the guys from Silver Columns was in Fridge, who I've got a couple of albums by (lurking somewhere in the quagmire). Will need to attempt to find them sometime soon as they were fucking fab - I went through a wee Fridge/Add N to (X) period back in the late 90s. Fuck - had completely forgotten about both those bands until just there.
Silver Columns are playing at the Devil Disco Club in Edinburgh tomorrow alongside some of Edinburgh's finest DJs, but alas I can't go, as we're saving ourselves for an all-dayer in the capital on Saturday. Back in the day the double-header would have been nae bother but these days it's a non-starter (fuckin lightweights the pair of us).
Anyway, you really have to check this mix out - it's released properly in a month or so, FACT describe Caribou's remix efforts as "turning ‘Always On’ into a eight minute epic brushed with live drums, handclaps and swooning, Hot Chip-esque romanticism". What's not to like...?
Silver Columns - Always On (Caribou Remix) <<-- direct link
Buy Silver Columns stuff here
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Labels: caribou, silver columns
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Jerry Sadowitz - Gobshite
Live album from 1987, withdrawn shortly after release as Jimmy Saville was going to sue him over some of his comments(!)...
Something a wee bit different here, but somewhat timely seeing as how the Edinburgh Fringe is on just now and the capital gets infested with cunts for the month of August. Glasgow's original offensive comedian and self-proclaimed Gobshite, captured at the Assembly Rooms in his 1987 Fringe show.
For anyone unfamiliar with Mr Sadowitz a wee look at his Wikipedia entry should provide a good entry point, before listening to this show. None of his magic here, this is strictly nasty-as-fuck humour.
I remember seeing him in the comedy tent at the 1991 Reading Festival (I think James were headlining the main stage so go figure) and he got heckled to fuck by the right-on brigade. He was right up my 18yr old street back then though, and this still sounds pretty good just now. You've got to bear in mind that people like Princess Di were still alive and well at the time, and many of the other references will require a bit of back-tracking to remember.
I hear that he doesn't let any of his stuff go up on YouTube so it will be interesting to see if this post stays up (hello Jerry!), but it's been out of print for over 20 years so I don't see why it shouldn't get another airing just now. I did not upload this (someone else's rip) - I am merely pointing to a link that comes up here after a quick google.
No festival gig for Jerry this year, but I see that he's playing some shows south of the border. I'm annoyed to have missed him in Glasgow a while back but will definitely catch him next time.
His opening gambit mentions two Ripped In Glasgow favourites - Big Audio Dynamite and Julian Cope - so he's right at home here...
Jerry Sadowitz - Gobshite
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Labels: jerry sadowitz
Monday, 9 August 2010
Andrew Weatherall - 6 Mix - 8 Aug 2010
Latest instalment of his occasional 6 Mix show, broadcast last night.
He seems a bit fucked after his trip to the Big Chill, but is still (mostly) firing on all cylinders for this set. Worryingly, the exclusive solo track (Poem Or Prayer) is from a new album which "may never see the light of day" due to legal wrangles. Wonder what that's all about?!?
There are a couple of changes to his handwritten setlist that appears below as well, most notably the addition of the Chris Carter mix of Factory Floor, which has been very popular on my turntables in recent weeks.
Make sure you check out the interesting reinterpretations of a couple of classics down near the end of the main set - I particularly like the Touch Me I'm Sick one, will need to get the album that's from.
For once I've actually managed to edit out the news as well, so it's a 3-part ZIP file. Woo-hoo!
No sign of the cover of Blue Monday mentioned on the tracklisting below, but here it is on YouTube if you feel the need.
Oh, did I mention the half-hour mix at the end? Fuckin magnificent! I shit you not - it's got a bit of an old-skool flavour, what with that piano on the first track then a wee kinda Mory Kanté flavour (a lazy comparison, I know) on the Mim Suleiman tune. The final track's a remix off the 'Pox' album that was floating about on Soundcloud for a while but seems to have been pulled now. Hmmm...
Andrew Weatherall - 6 Mix - 8 Aug 2010 (alt link)
1 - The Plastic People of the Universe - Midnight Mouse
2 - Sam Spence - Water World
3 - The Ify Jerry Krusade - Nwarantina/Die Die
4 - Circus - Love Of The Morning
5 - Digital Dinosaurs - Aliens In Your Skies
6 - Wild Nothing - Summer Holiday
7 - Effi Briest - Long Shadow
8 - Factory Floor - Lying (Chris Carter remix)
9 - Beach Fossils - Golden Age
10 - Ty Segall - My Sunshine
11 - The Skatalites - African Dub
12 - Ghostwriter - Like Brandy On A Cold Night
13 - Andrew Weatherall - Poem Or Prayer (exclusive)
14 - Chris Rotter with the Bad Meat Club - 86'd
15 - The Castillians - Limes
16 - Bosom Divine - Hangover
17 - Team Ghost - Colours In Time
18 - Electric Red Drive - Satisfaction
19 - Gemma Ray - Touch Me I'm Sick
20 - Jack Earls - Crawdad Hole
21 - Moebius & Plank - Conditionierer
Andrew In The Mix
22 - Timothy J. Fairplay - Sleigh Ride (Weatherall remix)
23 - Visti & Meyland - Stars (Radion and Mamarella remix)
24 - Beautiful Swimmers - Big Coast
25 - Mim Suleiman - Mingi
26 - Andrew Weatherall - Walk Of Shame (Hardway Brothers remix)
Buy Weatherall stuff here
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Labels: weatherall
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Factory Floor - Planning Application EP
4-track EP from 2008 on One of One Records.
This is rare-as-fuck and I'm hoping that therefore I can get away with uploading it in its entirety(??) but can easily pull if not. Off to see 'em at the Electric Frog Street Carnival tomorrow and cannae fucking wait. Also appearing are Planetary Assault Systems (live) and Liquid Liquid (live), alongside the Optimo fellas so it should be a good day out.
I've said it before and will no doubt say it again - this is THE band of 2010 for me, absolutely fuckin love 'em, and if you get the chance to experience the live show then you must go see it.
I might have tagged the tracks wrong, as there's no indication on the label as to which side's which and the Discogs order doesn't match up with the vinyl. Not the end of the world though.
Have a listen to the Radio Magnetic Electric Frog Podcast if you're swithering about whether it'll be a good idea to go along tomorrow or not. £32 might seem a bit steep but when you do the maths it's definitely worth it.
Must attempt to take it easy tonight for maximum enjoyment tomorrow though...
*EDIT* Check out the brand new Optimo FF-inspired 'g*th mix' over here...
Factory Floor - Planning Application EP
A1 - Taxidermist
A2 - Post Is Here
A3 - Francis, Francis
B1 - Felt Suit
B2 - I Was Always Wrong
Check oot the FF myspazz here
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Labels: factory floor
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Bis - Fact 2002 EP
4-track EP of Factory-related covers, released on Optimo's OSCARR label in 2002. Press release here if anyone feels the need.
This was requested in a post down below and the original poster managed to get it, but here you go anyway. Don't say I'm not good to you. I've always had a lot of time for Bis and their various offshoots - Data Panik, Dirty Hospital and the like. Initially famous for being the first unsigned band to appear on TOTP (yawn) they went onto much greater things in my opinion, such as the magnificent Eurodisco. They split up in 2003 before reforming in 2007 - I recently caught them at Primavera, as did half of Glasgow going by the crowd who were there.
I'm off to the Wickerman festival tomorrow and one of the bands on is the Amphetameanies, featuring moonlighting Bis axe-hero John, who you should really check out doing Model 500's Chase on his home analogue synth setup. Some folk are way too talented. Bastard.
Right - that rain had better stay off or they won't be able to light the fucker on Saturday night...
Bis - Fact 2002 EP
A1 - Love Will Tear Us Apart
A2 - Hurt
B1 - Shack Up
B2 - Looking From A Hilltop
Buy it here
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Labels: a certain ratio, bis, joy division, new order, section 25
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Tingle In The Netherlands - Prostitute's Handbag EP
6-track EP from Manchester based synth duo, released 2010 on Nerve Echo.
I got put onto this pair recently via a friend, and can't get enough of them just now. From the accompanying blurb, TITN is a collaboration between poet Helên Thomas and musician Owen J. To simply class it as 80s-esque synths / production would do it an injustice, but that's no doubt what lazy journalists will use, so it'll do me (Paul Morley, your job's safe). The thing that swings it for me though, is the vocals. A mixture of effects-laden male speech on some tracks, and hilarious female singing on others. It's been a long time since the vocals in an electronic track made me laugh, but a few on here do just that.
You can hear the full EP on their Reverbnation page, or buy it using the link below. There are other tracks on that Reverbnation site, including the wonderful "Shagging The Milkman", which contains the couplet, "His resistance cannot fight me, When he sees me in me nightie". Magnificent stuff.
It's been a while since I've been this impressed with an electronic act, hopefully they'll play gigs at some point but I'll make do with the tracks online just now. I'm always getting sent stuff by electronic acts to put on the blog and most of it is fairly shite, accompanied by increasingly desperate emails. This wee discovery is down to my mate, and fuck knows how he discovered them (maybe online looking for a 'forest of cocks' I suppose).
I've upped two tracks for you to download (the same link does both tracks), but the rest of it's all there to stream...
Tingle In The Netherlands - Prostitute's Handbag EP
1 - Prostitute's Handbag
2 - I lost My Heart To A Starship Cleaner
3 - A Forest Of Cocks
4 - Mammals
5 - Prostitute's Handbag Atomizer Remix
6 - A Forest Of Cocks Instrumental
Buy it here
Check out the myspazz site
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Labels: Tingle In The Netherlands
Friday, 16 July 2010
Peter Murphy w/ Nine Inch Nails - Joy Division Covers
Soundboard rips of an excellent Q101 Chicago Radio Session from 2006.
A timely posting of this for a few reasons: it is pretty much a year to the day that we went to see our final(?) NIN show down at Manchester; we're off to see Peter Murphy at the Classic Grand in a couple of weeks; and Peter Hook is insisting on playing Unknown Pleasures in full with a bunch of young boys at every festival going, after insisting that it would only happen once on the 30th anniversary. "It's what Ian would have wanted". Aye right, ya prick. After a brief moment of thinking that Mr Hook was actually OK, I recently had the misfortune of going to see him with Freebass at King Tuts. Yep - he's a total fud. What was I thinking?
Shame it's not Russ Abbot's Atmosphere but you can't have everything...
Peter Murphy w/ Nine Inch Nails - Joy Division Covers
1 - Dead Souls
2 - Twenty-four Hours
3 - Warsaw
4 - Atmosphere
Buy Bauhaus stuff here
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Labels: bauhaus, joy division, nine inch nails
Gavin Friday & Dave Ball / Thomas Brinkmann / Alan Vega - Ghostrider / Diamonds, Furcoats, Champagne / Puss On Tha Time Warp
Latest instalment of the 10" Suicide covers series. Definitely a favourite so far.
Here we go again...
Soft Cell used to do Ghost Rider regularly, so Dave Ball wouldn't have had too much of a job to learn his part again. Mr Virgin Prune delivers a great vocal so a good start to this one. A bit of a Suicide standard, covered by many a cunt over the years so difficult to make a version stand out. Hats off, Gav & Dave.
As a long-time Primal Scream fan, I can honestly say that Thomas Brinkmann's version of DFC beats theirs by a country mile. That's the only 10" I've not posted as I've had a couple of Primals posts pulled and didn't wanna take that chance again. This has a great dirty electronic pulse throughout it which sounds fuckin magic.
An oddly-titled Vega ditty on B1, which I thought was "Fog On The Tyne" the first time I clocked it. That would be something, eh? While on the subject of Suicide, you MUST go and watch the clip of MIA with Martin Rev on the Letterman Show from the other night - it is genuinely AMAZING.
Shit - I've got Fog On The Tyne going through my head now...
Gavin Friday & Dave Ball / Thomas Brinkmann / Alan Vega - Ghostrider / Diamonds, Furcoats, Champagne / Puss On Tha Time Warp
A - Gavin Friday & Dave Ball - Ghost Rider
B1 - Thomas Brinkmann - Diamonds, Furcoats, Champagne
B2 - Alan Vega - Puss On Tha Time
Buy it here
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Labels: alan vega, Dave Ball, Gavin Friday, suicide, Thomas Brinkmann
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Thee Headcoatees - Davey Crockett (Gabba Hey)
Beautiful orange vinyl 7" from 1992 on Damaged Goods Records.
A bunch of Billy Childish-formed gurls who were 'pals with' and backed by Thee Headcoats. A wee "ooh, I'll have a load/loan of that then" off a couple of pals tonight. Chin chin! Sitting here while m'lady attempts some sleep before worky morning and thought I'd post this wee gem.
"Woooah Davey Crockett, what you got in your pocket?"
What more do you need...?
Thee Headcoatees - Davey Crockett (Gabba Hey)\
A - Davey Crockett (Gabba Hey)
B - Young Blood
Buy Damaged Goods stuff (but not this one) here
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Labels: billy childish, damaged goods, thee headcoatees, thee headcoats
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Bios - Neutral
Double 7" package on Emissions Lo-Fi from 1996.
This is yet another release that I can't lay my hands on, but RiG viewer Mal kindly sent me from New York (cheers again Mal). As with the tracks on the previous Bios post this is raw, punishing, distorted, hard, minimal, scratchy, you get the picture...
I used to love fannying about with this double pack on my decks, but it tended to be more of a solitary sport. It was always greeted with cries of "get that shite aff" when I went into Bios-meltdown at certain points during the evening.
Four posts in the one day? Well saying I'm on holiday and it's pissing down outside...
Bios - Neutral
A - Neutral
B - Live
C - +/-
D - Shift
Buy it here
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Labels: bios
Andrew Weatherall - Dummy Mix #39
Another week, another Weatherall mix!
From the ever-unmissable Dummy Mag site, here's another 'ALFOS' inspired mix from Mr W, featuring what he's now calling 'Psyche-Disco'. Fuck - need to get down to London town one of these Thursdays.
The accompanying interview is quite an eye-opener, not least because he reveals that he's remixed a track by Grinderman, as well as LA's Warpaint. Oh, and there's a new solo album in the can.
Lots of stuff I don't know on here, but the second post for me in a week which features Effie Briest, and a lovely cover of OMD's Electricity from Hannah Peel, who I see is supporting Tunng at Stereo next week.
Plenty to be getting on with here...
Andrew Weatherall - Dummy Mix #39
1 - Oskar Sala - Improvisation No.2
2 - Arthur Lyman - Exodus
3 - The Harry Roche Constellation - Spiral
4 - Beaver And Krause - Another Part Of Time
5 - Francois Roubaix - Militerreuse
6 - Francois Roubaix - La Fete Des Deux Avions
7 - Mad Professor - Rampage In L.A.
8 - Count Ossie And Leslie Butler - Soul Drums
9 - Effie Briest - New Quicksand
10 - Team Ghost - Echo
11 - White Noise 3 [David Vorhaus] - Time Travel
12 - Moebius And Plank - Tollkuhn
13 - Hannah Peel - Electricity
14 - Wild Nothing - Bored Games
Buy Weatherall stuff here
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Labels: weatherall
Renegade Legion - Friends Or Foes?
A personal classic from 1993.
Thanks to the post below we'll get a wee bit old-skool-RiG this afternoon, ie techno as fuck.
This 12" is lurking somewhere in my mate's flat along with several hundred others of mine, but I just HAD to hear it right now, so I downloaded a 320kbps version from Discogs for the princely sum of £2.99. Maybe no bad thing, as my copy would be crackled-up to fuck. So here you go, on the house..
This is one of those 12"s that I could quite happily play every track off over the course of an evening. If I was forced at gunpoint to pick one, it would have to be B1 - The Weeping Waste. I defy anyone not to be punching the air at the 6min mark on that tune.
According to Discogs, RL is one guy, Guillaume Leroux, and he released another 12" three years later which I've not heard. Surely it can't be up to the majesty of this release?
Anyway, knock yourselves out, it doesn't get much better than this...
Renegade Legion - Friends Or Foes?
A - Friends Or Foes?
B1 - The Weeping Waste
B2 - The Renegade March (Featuring Sgt Kabukiman Himself)
Buy it here
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Labels: fnac, renegade legion
Optimo - Podcast 6 - Acid Eyeful
Latest instalment from Glasgow's finest, with JD Twitch at the helm this time.
Phew - they're chucking them out fast now, what with the bizarre Godcast last week, and now this beauty.
From the accompanying blurb, "... celebrating the little silver box that is the Roland TB 303, the machine that along with some innovators from Chicago gave the world Acid House."
This is shaping up to be my favourite Optimo Podcast so far, couldn't be more up my street if it came and parked its ass outside R-i-G Towers. No tracklisting as such, but I've put in what info has been supplied. Any individual track requests can be made via Echatio or their Facebook page.
Phew! I think it's gonna be an acidic afternoon. Pass the microdots (I wish)...
Optimo - Podcast 6 - Acid Eyeful
Contains tracks by:
Charles B
Azari and III
Floating Points
James T Cotton
James "Jack Rabbit" Martin
Roman Flugel
... and many more
Buy In Order To Edit, a nice companion to this mix, here
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Monday, 12 July 2010
Higamos Hogamos - Sorcery
A taster track from the new mini-album, released this week.
I just took delivery of this beauty, and recommend strongly that regular viewers do the same. It's a 6-track CD that you can get direct from the band for the princely sum of a fiver including UK postage. Every track's a winner.
I've been itching to get my paws on some new HH stuff for a while, and the website says that there's ANOTHER of these coming out very soon, so we are getting truly spoiled here. I've randomly plumped for "5-Htp", named after those pills that you're supposed to gub the day after a blowout - they've never really cured me but then again, I dunno what I'd have been like without 'em. Oh well...
Now, all we need are some live dates and we're sorted...
Higamos Hogamos - Sorcery
1 - Sorcery
2 - O Deo
3 - Deuced
4 - 5-Htp
5 - Jahari Window
6 - Sorcery (Version)
Buy it here for a fiver all in
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Labels: higamos hogamos
Friday, 9 July 2010
Klaus Schulze & Günter Schickert - Home Session 1975.09.26 Hamburg
Unreleased gem from a 1975 home session.
Rescued from an old cassette from the vaults apparently - this is ideal fodder for a Sunday, but I've just listened to it in full this Friday afternoon so go figure. Lots of beautiful bubbling synth noises for approx 44 minutes (until the tape ran out).
I didn't know who Mr Schickert was, and wasn't helped by the mis-spelling on the cover image below, but he's got a myspace which gives you quite a comprehensive biography. Unfortunately my Cope bible is currently lent out to someone else (who better be looking after it), will need to give that another read whenever I get it back.
What is it with these Kraut dudes - they were all prolific as fuck, could certainly teach today's whippersnappers a thing or two, with their 3-years-between-albums carry on.
Right, the weekend is here so I'm off to buy some wine. Chin chin...
Klaus Schulze & Günter Schickert - Home Session 1975.09.26 Hamburg
1 - Home Session (6 parts)
Buy Klaus stuff here
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Labels: cosmic jokers, Günter Schikert, Klaus Schulze
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Caribou - Grappa's Cellar, Hong Kong - 1 July 2010
Recent show from current press darling who hits these shores in November, courtesy of an anonymous uploader over on Dime.
I first heard this dude years ago when he was known as Manitoba, and then completely forgot about him until I heard Caribou recently and made the link. The most recent album, Swim, got played a fair bit round R-i-G towers when it came out, so I thought I'd check out what he sounded like live before getting a ticket to the gig at the ABC with Four Tet. He seems to be disregarding most of his back catalogue and concentrating on the recent album. Fair enough - that's what most folk will know him for, I suppose.
Quality-wise, this is pretty good, if a wee bit bass-heavy. Nothing that a wee bit of fannying about with your equalisers won't sort out though. The band's sounding excellent live as well - much more up my street than I thought they might be.
Righto, may as well get those tickets then. A mere £15.50 plus tax and you get Four Tet, James Holden, Nathan Fake and Rocketnumbernine chucked in as well...
Caribou - Grappa's Cellar, Hong Kong - 1 July 2010
1 - Leave House
2 - Kaili
3 - Melody Day
4 - Found Out
5 - Bowls
6 - Odessa
7 - Bees
8 - After Hours
9 - Hannibal
1 - Jamelia
11 - Sun
12 - Barnowl
Buy Caribou stuff here
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Labels: caribou
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Andrew Weatherall - Pulse Radio Podcast
Brand spanking new podcast hot off the press, courtesy of the fab people over at Pulse Radio.
Just got this sent from Rotters via email, and they included this nugget with it:
"Mr W also asked me to let you know that tomorrow he's doing a surprise Double Gone Chapel night at Cocomo in Old St, London. It's free to get in and he's playing from 8-12. Hope some of you can make it - sorry for the short notice."
So there you go , Londoners - an early finish freebie on a school night (Wed 7th July) - you don't get many of them up here. Get the fuck down if you're in the area - no excuses. There's an interview here to accompany the mix as well.
This mix isn't quite as Balearic as the one posted down below, but is still summer-tastic, recommended with bells on...
Andrew Weatherall - Pulse Radio Podcast
1 - Phantom/Ghost - The Shadow (II)
2 - Nick Chacona - Be Like Olive
3 - Steve Bug - Trust In Me (John Daly Remix)
4 - Space Ranger - Herbal Cake (The Reverence Rubdown)
5 - Ali Love - Love Harder (Pros Thomas Discomiks)
6 - Ipso Facto - Ipso Facto (Original Mix)
7 - Gatto Fritto - Illumination
8 - The Crystal Ark - The City Never Sleeps
9 - Nick Chacona - Turning & Tossing
10 - Brinton McKay - Spindle
11 - Conforce - Stop Hold
Buy Weatherall stuff here
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Labels: weatherall
Peaches / Effi Briest / Alan Vega - Jonny / Universe / No Tomorrow
10" released on Blast First Petite from a wee while ago.
Another fine release in the Suicide covers series, which I've been posting since starting the blog as they're limited to fuck and I don't think that posting this will put anyone off buying it.
Peaches nails Jonny on the A side, and Effi Briest takes on Universe from the 1992 'cheesy pop' album Why Be Blue on B1. Mr Vega, as always, contributes an unreleased gem on B2. I can't get enough of these, there's another one sitting here ready to go up as well, and I can't wait for the promised Spiritualized, Julian Cope and Mogwai ones to appear.
Oh aye, the sleeve? A nice big stiff cock with jizz covering the hairy balls - cheers for that. I was one of those people who couldn't resist drawing cock'n'balls insignias on various textbooks at school, and I still have to (usually) resist the temptation of drawing them with a finger on the inside of bus windows. The A-side label has a circle of cocks as well, so it's value for money on the cock front as well as for the three tunes...
Peaches / Effi Briest / Alan Vega - Jonny / Universe / No Tomorrow
A - Peaches - Jonny
B1 - Effi Briest - Universe
B2 - Alan Vega - No Tomorrow
Buy it here
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Labels: alan vega, effi briest, peaches, suicide
Monday, 5 July 2010
Factory Floor - Solid Sound Video
DVD-rip from Factory Floor, released with this 10" package a few months ago.
I've been desperate to post more FF stuff but don't wanna stop anyone from buying their stuff. This shouldn't do any harm though - a one-hour long 'art installation' type thing with them making lots of strange noises over it. I can't remember the last time I was this blown away by a band - this lot (along with BEAK> and Neu!) are the best thing I've seen this year, and they're playing Glasgow again soon at the Electric Frog Carnival (good old Optimo).
I'm in a very good mood while posting this (unusual for a Monday morning) due to the fact that I've just heard that 6Music is saved! Fucking amazing news. All that pestering must have done the trick. Now if only I could wave another magic wand and the fairies would come round and clear up the post-weekend debris in my flat...
Factory Floor - Solid Sound Video
Pt1 / Pt2 / Pt3 / Pt4 / Pt5 / Pt6 / Pt7 / Pt8
Buy it here
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Labels: factory floor
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Bios - Klix
7" promo on Special Emissions from 1996.
This was one part of a nice wee goody bag which recently winged its way over from New York City, courtesy of regular R-i-G viewer Mal. He thought it would be a nice way to say thanks for all the posts from last year. Cheers Mal! (if, erm, anyone else feels the need *cough* then an email to the usual place will put the wheels in motion) - I'm really touched by this generosity, waaaay beyond the call of duty.
Anyway - this features two tracks of noisy lo-fi 4/4 pounding beats and I've got a double-pack 7" from the same fellas (Scott Fraser & Peter Walker, fact fans) to put up as well at some point. I always assumed that Bios was the work of Andrew Weatherall back in the pre-Discogs days but there you go, the magic of the internet to the rescue once again.
Just the thing to clear away any memories of work as you settle into a nice 6-and-a-bit-week holiday. Right - time to get pissed...
Bios - Klix
A - Untitled
B - Untitled
Buy it here
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Labels: bios
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
The Real Kids - Foggy Notion
10" EP released on Norton Records in 2006.
This features the earliest known live recordings from The Kids (soon to be known as The Real Kids) recorded in Boston in 1974.
I picked this up from the Volcanic Tongue record stall at the Nurse With Wound Midsummer Day Dream event at the Tramway on Saturday, which was a superb day/evening. Well done to Optimo for organising said one-off extravaganza, cannae wait to see what they've got up their sleeves for the next time.
Anyway - saw this 10" and had to buy it, I'm a sucker for any early recordings of Velvets covers and we're treated to three here, complete with great bits of audience chatter in between. There's a a great extended work-out of Jonathan Richman's "Fly Into The Mystery" on the flip as well, no great surprise as John Felice from The Kids was also in the Modern Lovers.
Fuck me! It's been an insane couple of months of hunners-of-stuff-on but we're back! Back! BACK!...
The Real Kids - Foggy Notion
A1 - Foggy Notion
A2 - There She Goes Again
A3 - Sweet Jane
B - Fly Into The Mystery
Check out The Real Kids website here
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Labels: modern lovers, the kids, the real kids, velvet underground
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Andrew Weatherall - Double Gone Radio #3
Third volume of website radio shows from Mr Weatherall.
It's weird - I usually check Rotters fairly regularly just in case there's a new mix up, but this one slipped past until I was kindly informed by a couple of R-i-G viewers. Cheers!
This is a proper 'mix' rather than records split up with talky bits, which is a nice wee change. Fuck me, it's magnificent - the sound of summer starts here, just the ticket for these hot afternoons that we've been having a lot of recently.
Seriously, the best Weatherall mix I've heard for ages - this one will be getting played to death. Turn it up to 11...
Andrew Weatherall - Double Gone Radio #3
1 - Space - Carry On Turn Me On (Architeq Mix)
2 - Everything Everything - My Keys, Your Boyfriend (Delphic Mix)
3 - Mighty Mouse - Song With No Word (Movement 1)
4 - Massive Attack - Pray For Rain (Tim Goldsworthy Remix)
5 - Ray Mang - Look Into My Eyes
6 - Michoacan - In The Dark Of The Night
7 - Filippson & Ulysses - The Endless (Extended Mix)
8 - The Golden Filter - Hide Me (Rory Phillips Dub)
9 - Mighty Mouse - Song With No Word (Movement 3)
10 - Acos Collkas - Free Flight
11 - Rainer Trueby - Hirtenruf
12 - Black Van - Yearning
Buy Weatherall stuff here
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Labels: weatherall
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Chris & Cosey / CTI - European Rendezvous
VHS-rip from Mr Carter and Ms Fanni Tutti from 1983 featuring live performances with visuals by John Lacey.
Ah, it's been a while. I've been mega busy with work and then got struck down by a bout of lazyitis. So by way of an apology, here's a superb relic from the C&C music factory, featuring our heroes on top form with some 80s-tastic visual accompaniments.
It can't be a kick in the arse off a year ago that we went to see TG at the Glasgow Tramway, thanks to the Optimo fellas. They're going for it again at the same venue on the 26th June with the first ever Scottish performance of Nurse With Wound, which features a day-time 'fun for all the family' freebie then an 'adults only' evening show. Cannae wait!
This video is the same deal as the Krautrock one I posted before, ie a load of RAR files that you pack together by double-clicking on the first one.
Now, all we need's for the new Cosey show to work its way north and we're sorted...
Chris & Cosey / CTI - European Rendezvous
Pt1 / Pt2 / Pt3 / Pt4 / Pt5 / Pt6 / Pt7 / Pt8
1 - Intro
2 - Mary
3 - Funky
4 - The Need
5 - Loop
6 - Sequencer
7 - Slow
8 - Thy Gift of Tongues
9 - Voice Echo
Buy C&C stuff here
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Labels: chris and cosey, throbbing gristle
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Tragic City Thieves - Leviathan / Rock'n'Roll Message Of War
Two tracks by the hottest thing to come out of Port Glasgow since smack, crack and the bad AIDS.
I first saw this band a few weeks ago at King Tuts, on the constant fucking hounding recommendation of two pals who have seen them an unhealthy amount of times since they moved up from Brighton. Seriously - the live show has to be seen to believed. I've not seen a bunch of young 'uns with this much spunk since, well, let's not go down that route...
They're playing at Pivo Pivo in Glasgow this Saturday which you should make a point of dropping in on if you're in town. If not, check their MySpazz or Facebook pages for upcoming dates. Have a read at their self-penned biog here, it's well worth a read (as is a great live review here). I don't do this kind of thing lightly (promote local new talent), and they've not approached me to do this either (unlike various other cunts who shall remain nameless).
Definitely ones to watch, if you dug the Stooges post down below then take a chance on this lot...
Tragic City Thieves - Leviathan / Rock'n'Roll Message Of War
1 - Leviathan
2 - Rock'n'Roll Message Of War
Check out their MySpazz here
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Labels: tragic city thieves
Andrew Weatherall - 6 Mix - 23 May 2010
Latest 6 Mix from you-know-who, from a wee while ago.
Fucking hell, I've got so much stuff to catch up on. This was posted as a link in the comments a couple of posts down. I actually missed it for some reason (the Sunday factor maybe?) but here it is in its full 2hr glory. Thanks to Matthew for this original link that I've reupped (it was a bit slow).
The first 90 mins is the usual mix of old and new with the usual banter, ie excellent stuff. Yet more acts that I'll need to add to the list to check out (not enough hours in the day for the next few weeks). The 'disco' mix this time round features Tim Fairplay from 'Boardroom' fame, alongside various other dancey types that I'd be lying if I said I was up on. So out of touch these days *sigh*...
The disco section is particularly good this time round - think I'll rip it on its own for the iPod, will stick a link in here when/if I get around to it.
Right - another weekend away beckons, this time slightly closer to home than Barcelona but will no doubt be fairly mental (eh, Bill?) - lots of backlog to post that I'll get up upon safe return to Glasgow...
Andrew Weatherall - 6 Mix - 23 May 2010
Diana Dors - Come By Sunday
Steve Rowland - Out Ridin'
Oh, Gunquit! - Untitled
Wounded Lion - Pony People
The Heroin Sheiks - Angle Phenomenon
Harlem - Someday Soon
Woods - Blood Dries Darker
Django Django - Skies Over Cairo
Lito Barrientos - Cumbria En Do Menor
Nehemiah Sounds - Steel Sharpened Steel (Dub)
Simtec Simons - Tea Box
Young Marble Giants - This Way
Throbbing Gristle - Distant Dreams Pt 2
Quiller - Quiller
Television Personalities - People Think That We're Strange
Matthew Sawyer & The Ghosts - Diamonds
Mordant Music - You Are A Door
State of Art - Scoop 'n' Loop
Konono Nº1 - Fula Fula
Black Sun Ensemble - Da Da Is Gaga
Andrew's Sunday Night Disco
Timothy J. Fairplay - The Geberal Arrives
Tiago - Motorcycles (Neville Watson remix)
Architeq - Mind Games
Ilija Rudman - Call Me Tonight (The Revenge Engaged mix)
Tricksi - Sunbeams
Ichisa And Nakova - Space 1999
Buy Weatherall stuff here
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Labels: weatherall
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Various Spanish Types - A Little Tribute To The Jesus And Mary Chain
5-track 7" purchased at Primavera at the weekend.
I found this at one of the many record stalls at the festival and m'lady clocked me holding it looking with a 'WTF' face. Before I knew it she'd paid for it and it was now mine! True Love or Totally Wired? You decide...
What a fucking festival! In approximate order going by the showtime sheet I saw:
Thursday - Bis (a fab start from some local Glasgow talent), Monotonix (mental as always, with added 'outdoors'); The Fall (all newish stuff but as you would expect); The XX (bit boring for me after a while but the rest of the cunts dug them); and Pavement (fading fast by this point as we'd been on the go for about 20hrs so bailed out about halfway through their set).
Friday - Beak> (my new favourite band - magnificent); Marc Almond (worth the solo newies for Bedsitter, Jacky and Say Hello... in an ampitheatre); Japandroids (full of beans - will definitely check 'em out again - excellent stuff); Pixies (on fucking fire, biggest crowd of the festival AND they played Winterlong); and The Bloody Beetroots Death Crew 77 (a dance-tastic Brucie bonus at about 3am).
Saturday - Michael Rother and friends perform the hits of Neu! (fuck me, still recovering from this one); The Charlatans (unintentional, was recovering from Neu! on a slope and they were on in the background); Pet Shop Boys (superb show with all the boxes and dancer types - camp as a row of pink tents); Liquid Liquid (thank fuck I saw this magnificence as I'd missed them at the legendary Optimo night); Health (only for a wee while cos they were running late); and The Field (a great end to the festival).
Couldn't recommend this enough - there were seven of us in a great apartment near the festival that came in at £25 a night each and the full weekend ticket was under £100. I've never managed to catch this many acts at a festival and there were loads I missed due to clashes/record shopping/general stoating about fucked but will definitely be back. Si si, senor.
Add in the great weather and all sorts of bad behaviour around the apartment with great pals and you've got yourself the best weekend away in fucking years.
Oh, the Mary Chain thing? No flamenco guitar as I'd hoped but not bad nonetheless - one for the JAMC completists out there though.
I'm still catching up with hunners of stuff and have loads of work to do but will attempt to answer various Ripped... emails which came in while I was away. The Weatherall 6 Mix link from last week is in the post below's comments if anyone's looking for it. Will do a full post soon...
Various Spanish Types - A Little Tribute To The Jesus And Mary Chain
A1 - Los Hermanos Dalton - Psychocandy
A2 - Automatics - Sidewalking
B1 - El Inquilino Comunista - The Hardest Walk
B2 - Erospóly - Reverence
B3 - Honey Langstrumpf - Taste of Cindy
Check out some Primavera pics (not mine) here
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Labels: jesus and mary chain
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Andrew Weatherall - ALFOS CD Mix
Companion mix CD to the one below, courtesy of Mr Sean (Brother) Johnston (again).
Unfortunately no tracklisting for this one, but it's split into separate tracks. The original link I got was for direct audio tracks which you can get here, or head to the main link below for 320kbps mp3 versions.
I've listened to Sean's mix a few times since posting it and I've got this one on just now. If this is where things are headed then I hope they can bring the night to Glasgow for a wee one-off, 'cos this is right up my street. That last time I saw Weatherall play with Ivan Smagghe it just wasn't doing it for me if I'm being honest. It was a Friday night at the Sub Club, so I guess it was what the troops were after. Or maybe I'm just turning into a grumpy old cunt.
I could take plenty of this kinda stuff over the course of an evening though.
Any help with the tracklisting would be appreciated.
Thanks again to Sean for services above and beyond the call of duty. Right, Barcelona beckons. Adiós, amigos...
Andrew Weatherall - ALFOS CD Mix
Buy Weatherall stuff here
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Labels: weatherall
Monday, 24 May 2010
Hardway Bros - Brother Johnston's Outer Space Consultation (ALFOS CD Mix)
Exclusive CD mix issued to the first 30 punters into the club on Thursday night.
Well, whaddya know - sometimes it pays to chance your arm. When I posted the recent Weatherall Vice Mixtape I asked for a copy of the CD from the new night down at The Drop in Stoke Newington, expecting fuck-all but you never know. I got an email in today from his partner in crime, Sean Johnston, with a link to his mix. Superb!
A very interesting tracklisting, starting off with a couple from the Phantom Band (what Can became after Can, and no relation to Glasgow's own Phantom Band who were on fire when I saw them recently, no siree.) There's a good wee article on Resident Advisor that gives you a bit more of an idea about the new project, which sounds like it would be right up my street. Must make sure I get down to London on a Thursday night at the earliest opportunity. Can't wait to hear the new remix of Walk Of Shame either.
Sean finished off his email with "I'll send you Andrew's when I actually get one myself...", so fingers crossed for that one.
In the meantime this is sounding mighty fine, ideal for a hot summer's afternoon. Makes me want to stick it on outside with some cold beer. Monday afternoon tho, hmmm...
Thanks a million for this one, Sean...
Hardway Bros - Brother Johnston's Outer Space Consultation (ALFOS CD Mix) <- new linky
1 - Phantom Band - Dangerous Conversation
2 - Phantom Band - E>F>1
3 - Beard Sciece - Chicken Choke (Hedford Vachal)
4 - Alcada Mendes - Coaster (Idjut Boys Mix 2)
5 - Conrad Schnitzler - Aud Dem Schwarzen Canal
6 - Harmonia / Eno - Vamos Companeros
7 - Michoacan - In The Dark Of The Night
8 - Jarle Braathen - Takros
9 - Goblin - Jennifers Friends
10 - David Bowie - Arabia (Matt Moroder Edit)
11 - Glass Candy - Miss Broadway
12 - Marcus Marr - Pleasure Moon
13 - Visti & Meyland - Stars
Buy Hardway Bros stuff here
Check out the tunes on Sean's Soundcloud page
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Labels: hardway bros, sean johnston