Maurizio in dubby-as-fuck mode here, this features Tikiman on vocals. It's got all those Basic Channel noises, genuine 'dub house' for anyone who dares to question that such a sub-genre exists. Someone on Discogs reckons that if you mix this into Laurent Garnier's Acid Eiffel you're onto a 'special moment'. I've yet to take the plunge but lemme know if you try it.
Only the one post today as I'm off to get Ripped In Brighton for a long weekend, and need to get my shit together tonight. Typically the one weekend where everything seems to be happening up here: The Horrors, Patrick Wolf, Truffle Club at Club For Heroes, The Wee Chill and hunners of other stuff which I've forgotten about. Ah well, it's a special occasion.
C U Next Tuesday...
Round Three Feat. Tikiman - Acting Crazy
A - Acting Crazy (Club Vocal)
B1 - Acting Crazy (Instrumental)
B2 - Acting Crazy (Edit)
Buy it here
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Round Three Feat. Tikiman - Acting Crazy
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Labels: basic channel, main street, maurizio, tikiman
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Young American Primitive - These Waves
Another response to a request from RiG regular Tommy, here's what he says about this one:
"I had a look through my CDs and the YAP CD....I think I have sold it. Seem to remember there were only 1 or 2 tracks I really liked on it anyway. I ripped it at some point and then when space became an issue on the hard drive (this was in the days when a 30GB hard drive was considered massive) I culled the album to only what I liked from it. The stand out track was always These Waves...duly posted on 4shared."
Cheers for these Tommy, it's always handy when there's another cunt to help you out with any missing tunes...

Young American Primitive - These Waves
Buy it here
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Labels: young american primitive
One Dove - Why Don't You Take Me (Underworld Up 2 Down Remix)
A couple of responses to earlier requests today, but I'm afraid no Bandulu or Robert Hood's Minimal Nation just yet. Be patient - my records are in no order at all and aren't stored in my flat due to space restrictions. Today's pair come courtesy of regular contributor to the comments, Tommy from 'down under'.
Here's what he says about this wee gem:
"a thunderous remix by Underworld of Glasgae's finest One Dove, as produced by Audrey Witherspoon. That's 3 legends for the price of 1 tune, fantastic value. Not sure if it ever had a full release."
I'm sure it got a limited release, but here you go, the modern day equivalent of getting a tape of it off yer mate...

One Dove - Why Don't You Take Me (Underworld Up 2 Down Remix) <-- new link
Buy it here
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Labels: one dove, underworld, weatherall
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Various - Touché Compilation 2 (first record only)
Found this just there but I've only got one of the three records that make up the compilation. It's too good not to put up, I remember seeing it in a bargain bucket for £1 so it was a no-brainer.
The last couple of Dobre & Jamez tracks I've put up seem to have gone down quite well, so here are three more. Side A is the pair of them together, and Side B is each of them individually. All three tracks have got their signature 'clean-as-fuck' production that we know and love...
A - Tata Box Inhibitors - Protein
B1 - R Factors - Vis-À-Vis (Dobre)
B2 - Loophole - Mind Escapes (Jamez)
Buy the full thing here
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Labels: dobre and jamez
Glenn Underground - GU Essentials
A bit of late-night house here, courtesy of Mr Underground. Not his real name, but 'Colin Underground' just wasn't cutting it back in the day...
These are 4 top quality tunes that live up to the 'Essentials' billing, it's hard to pick out a favourite. There's a few more GU bits'n'bobs kicking around here so keep an eye out if you're into it...
Glenn Underground - GU Essentials
A1 - Trancing (Get On Down)
A2 - Detroitism
B1 - S.J.U.
B2 - Mello Blo
Buy it here
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Labels: cajual, glenn underground
Monday, 25 May 2009
M.S.B. - Most Significant Beat
Dunno if I've put up any Italian records yet, but here's a starter for 10 anyway. Coming out on the Nature label, which I mistakenly used to think was an offshoot of Fatcat for some reason. According to Discogs, it's "an Italian label devoted to neo-electro and IDM sounds."
I hate the term 'IDM' but I guess that's what some folk would call this. It's fairly lo-fi, a bit 'Conemelt minus the humorous titles' if you like. Track B1 is the killer here - noisy, dirty 4/4 with great noises over the top. B2's a breakbeat with equally fab noises. The A-side's a bit too chin-stroking for my liking but see what you think...
M.S.B. - Most Significant Beat
A1 - Heart Thinks Wide
A2 - A Flux To Follow
B1 - Rio Blank
B2 - Solo Numerico
Buy it here
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Disciples Ov Gaia - The Key
A Psychick Warriors side-project from Tim Freeman, this is appeared on KK offshoot Zazaboem Records. It's an organ-led wee number, quite chilled out for a bank holiday Monday...
Can't remember when this was from, but I had a phase in about 94 where anything that used 'thee' and 'ov' rather than 'the' and 'of' got bought. Talking of which, got my tickets to go and see the mighty Throbbing Gristle at the Tramway in Glasgow - go check it out...
A - The Key
B1 - The Key (Lunar Dub)
B2 - The Key (Intention Mix)
Buy it here
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Labels: pwog
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Andrew Weatherall - A Couple Of 'Vintage' Radio Shows
Woke up this morning and clicked onto the Primal Scream forum, Webadelica, only to find a link to this blog which featured a couple of radio shows hosted by Mr Weatherall from 1994 and 1996. I've just put on the 1994 one and cannae wait to hear what's in store, does anyone remember hearing old clips of John Peel on the radio and he sounded totally different? Well here's a very young sounding Mr Weatherall...
A big thanks to for digging these ones out. Something for Mr Castles In Space to listen to on the way to work. He's no longer dolescum. Enjoy...
Andrew Weatherall - A Couple Of 'Vintage' Radio Shows
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Labels: weatherall
Friday, 22 May 2009
Orbital - Lush 3 (PWOG / CJ Bolland Remixes)
I know I said in a previous post that I never had much time for Orbital, but I still managed to buy a few records back in 92/93. The main reason for buying this one was the PWOG remix. I'd actually forgotten about it until a shelf fell down in the hall just there (I didn't bump into it, honest), and about 100 records spilled down onto the floor. After I eventually found a screwdriver and managed to sort it, I noticed the two Lush 12"s as I put the records back. "Wonder what that PWOG remix sounds like these days?" I thought, so here you go. It's sounding, er, lush... a nice companion to the tracks below.
If anyone wants the other 12" (2x Orbital mixes & Underworld) leave a comment and I'll get it up at some point...
A - Lush 3-4 (Warrior Drift) (Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia)
B - Lush 3-5 (CJ Bolland)
Buy it here
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Labels: cj bolland, orbital, pwog
Various - Feelings Not Frequencies
Someone asked about more tracks by Projective Vision a while back, and I said that they'd only released two 12"s. I'd forgotten about the tracks on this compilation of Holistic stuff - one of the few CDs that surived my clearout.
Track 1 is exclusive to the CD, track 3 is the B-side to Close Encounter, and track 5 is the slightly renamed B-side of the mighty Apocalypse. I've previously posted a track from Titanic as well, so this is a nice wee collection of the criminally under-rated Holistic label...
Various - Feelings Not Frequencies
1 - Projective Vision - Dreams of the Impossible
2 - Thunderhead - Medevil
3 - Projective Vision - Equilibrium
4 - Titanic - Spaced Out Cow
5 - Projective Vision - Khange
6 - Titanic - On My Case
Buy it here
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Labels: holistic, projective vision, thunderhead, titanic
High Lonesome Sound System - Love Night
This is an early release from the Exist Dance label, based in San Francisco in the early 90s. This bunch were also known as Tranquility Bass, who did the classic "They Came In Peace" and "Cantamilla" tracks.
One of those 12"s where you have to lift the needle from track A1 to A2 as the groove ends after the first track. The B-side's the opposite - there's a massive gap and the grooves look like it's the start of a record. I love that kinda shit. Aah, just realised I've done this the wrong way round. Switch that. *goes to re-tag files*
Here's a quote and a half from Discogs on the A1 track: "early psychedelic trance rave styled freak out with slight eastern vocal samples" --> don't let that put you off, it's actually pretty darn good. I'm more of an 'Underground Dub' man myself. Track A2 is a bit shite, but I've included it anyway. Maybe you need to take the title of B2 to heart before you truly appreciate it...
High Lonesome Sound System - Love Night
A1 - Love Night
A2 - Champion Sound
B1 - Love Night (Underground Dub)
B2 - Bonus Drugs
Buy it here
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Labels: exist dance, High Lonesome Sound System
Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia - Out Now!
After listening to the Black Dog/PWOG mix posted on the excellent Light Of The Night blog, I couldn't not put this up after spotting it just there. An odd release, in that the title track is a kinda beatless/abstract thing with weird noises on it, then there are three outstanding housey cuts. Someone on Discogs reckons it's a lost classic and I'm tempted to agree with them.
My pick o'the bunch is B1. Not the most appealing cover sleeve but I guess that's the point...
Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia - Out Now!
A1 - Out Now
A2 - Dust (At The Crossroads)
B1 - SA Track 1
B2 - SA Track 2
Buy it here
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Labels: pwog
Thursday, 21 May 2009
JD Twitch - Live At Optimo 17th May 2009 - RIPPED IN GLASGOW EXCLUSIVE
So there I was chancing my arm with a request for another Optimo website mix encoded at 320kbps and got an email back saying that he was sorry, the originals had all vanished. Fair enough I thought, then this popped into my inbox as a wee exclusive for the blog. What a nice chap JD Twitch is, but we all knew that anyway...
I urge you to go and purchase their new mix CD, featuring re-workings of classic R&S cuts from the halycon mid 90s period. Any Glasgow viewers should get themselves along to Stereo on Saturday night for the launch, as part of that Stag & Dagger thing. Check out the tracklisting:
In Order to Edit: Optimo Presents
1 - Fatal Error - Fatal Error - Intro
2 - Spectrum - Spectral/Amplification
3 - Spock jr. - Ion (Boccaccio Edit)
4 - Joey Beltram - Energy Flash
5 - Direct - Let it ride
6 - Mental Mayhem - Joey's riot
7 - Joey Beltram - Sub-bass Experience
8 - Mundo Muzique - Acid Pandemonium
9 - Autonation - Sit on the Bass
10 - Mantrax - Untitled
11 - Speedjack - Storm
12 - The Mover - Nightflight (Nonstop to Kaos)
13 - Mescalinium United - We Have Arrived
14 - Jam and Spoon - My First Fantastic FF
15 - CJ Bolland - Horsepower (Remix)
16 - Sonic Solution - Bagdad
17 - Capricorn - 20hz
18 - DHS - House of God
19 - µ-ziq - Phi*1700 (U/V)
20 - Aphex Twin - Analogue Bubblebath
21 - Mundo Muzique - Andromeda
22 - Jaydee - Plastic Dreams
JD Twitch - Live At Optimo 17th May 2009
Buy the new R&S CD here for the princely sum of £8.98
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Labels: optimo
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Quadrant - Infinition / Hyperprism
Long-time R-i-G viewers will be aware that I've been chasing this one for ages. Classic Maurizio from 1993. Finally took the plunge and bought a reissue in Rub-A-Dub today. It's no Planet-E original, but the key track is there.
My best memory of hearing 'Infinition' is from an illicit boat party organised by the notorious Pussypower brigade from Glasgow. You had to meet up at Granton Pier in Edinburgh at midnight, before sailing off and returning at 8am. The boat got delayed in leaving, as someone had forgotten a turntable and they had to go and borrow one from The Venue! Very makeshift, with slipmats made from Budweiser box cut-outs. Anyway, the boat ended up circling under the Forth bridge to create waves, then floating all over the place. At this moment, Terry the DJ stuck this tune on and the place went completely bonkers. One of the best nights of my life! Nights like these are ingrained in my memory - can't believe I can remember such minute details despite the nick I was in at the time (about 15 years ago), mind you as any ex-clubber knows it's all about the short term memory loss...
A - Infinition
B - Hyperprism
Buy it here
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Labels: basic channel, maurizio, quadrant
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Technova - Tantra
Another fairly incestuous Sabres release, the A-side from longtime Weatherall collaborator Dave Harrow and the B-side featuring an Innersphere remix. In contrast to the post below, this time round it's the A-side that's dubby and the B-side that's dancey. VFM here as well - the A-side goes on for over 23 mins! It's an excellent extended workout that 'takes you on a journey, maaaan'...
I've got a remix 12" somewhere as well (yellow cover, equally horrid looking), featuring two more Innersphere remixes. Will post up at some point soon...
A - Tantra
B - Tantrum (Innersphere Mix)
Buy it now
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Labels: innersphere, sabres of paradise, technova
Nan Vernon - Elvis Waits... (Secret Knowledge Remixes)
Who the fuck is Nan Vernon, I hear you ask? A quick google reveals that she was in Dave Stewart's band, The Spiritual Cowboys. That was enough for me, but if anyone feels the need a wee click here should quench your thirst for Nan...
The Secret Knowledge mixes? Actually really good. The Aaron-side moves along very nicely, thank you very much. A wee nod to Elvis' middle name, we see what you did there Kris. The Fry Hard Mix(!) is a more dubby affair. Needs-by-numbers? Hmmm - better than a lot of the other stuff he was putting out at this point.
Maybe if I don't big-it-up too much, the Chemical Beats blog won't nick my rip and stuck it up as his own. Other bloggers beware - this chancer is re-posting stuff that I've carefully ripped, tagged and uploaded, having checked his ID3 tags (petty, I know). I notice that lots of the other stuff he's put up has been previously posted on other blogs too. I say avoid the cunt...
Nan Vernon - Elvis Waits... (Secret Knowledge Remixes)
A - Secret Knowledge Aaron Mix
B - Secret Knowledge Fry Hard Mix
Buy it here
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Labels: kris needs
Monday, 18 May 2009
Aramchek - Benicassim E.P.
Something a bit more recent here, from 2001! Another Two Lone Swordsmen alias, quite a speedy wee EP this one, mostly kinda breaks but lots of good scrapey noises over the top. One noise on the A-side reminds me of that armadillo-like musical instruments you scraped a drumstick up. Cannae mind what the fuck they were called, but they had them at (primary?) school.
Interesting track titles - the only time I've been to Benicassim (2005), we flew to Valencia, I remember the bridge down to the beach, and saw Audrey himself sitting at the airport on the way home looking all dapper, while I struggled to walk in a straight line, sweaty as fuck, looking like the manky tink that I was...
While on the subject of Weatherall, I see that one of you jokers has amended Russ Abbot's Wikipedia entry to include info and a chart position (!) for this remix. Fuck me, I've created a monster!
Aramchek - Benicassim E.P.
A - Benicassim
B1 - Flight To Valencia
B2 - Beach Bridge
Buy it here
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Labels: weatherall
Robert Hood - Moveable Parts Chapter 1
Another 1995 release from Robert Hood, which bears more than a passing resemblance to track D1 from this previous rip, but it's a great track so we'll not hold it against him. Who says that minimal techno aint got no soul? He's a Ripped In Glasgow hero, for still using vinyl in 2009, if this pic is anything to go by.
Mind you, not the most inspired of track titles this time round. B1's got a scratch at the start that's actually in time with the music - mental...
Robert Hood - Moveable Parts Chapter 1
A1 - Untitled 1
A2 - Untitled
B1 - Untitled 2
B2 - Untitled Scetch
Buy it here
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Labels: detroit techno, minimal, robert hood
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Mishka Presents: Passions - Music Without Tears
I didn't set out to go all 'goth weekender' but this mix is something else. Got an email from my pal DG with a link to this mix and thought it was Xmas and my birthday all rolled into one. Certainly went down well with m'lady (her with her goth tendencies and all that). Check out that tracklisting, and the mixing is outstanding. There's quite a bit of blurb about it here, this comes with 100% recommendation --> go check it oot...
Mishka Presents: Passions - Music Without Tears
01 - UK Decay - Unexpected Guest
02 - Micron63 - No Divide
03 - Joy Division - Means To An End
04 - Pylon - Danger
05 - Public Image Limited - Annalisa
06 - Nitzer Ebb - Join In The Chant
07 - Nine Inch Nails - Ringfinger
08 - Passions - Sentiment (Instrumental)
09 - Death In June - Fields
10 - Cabaret Voltaire - Landslide
11 - SPK - A Heart That Breaks (In No Time And Place)
12 - Ulterior - Weapons (Zlaya Remix)
13 - New Order - 586 (Peel Sessions Version)
14 - Death In June - The Calling Mk II
15 - Black Strobe - Innerstrings (No Shuffle Mix)
16 - Micron63 - Death Is Colder Than Love
17 - Huoratron - Corporate Occult (Passions Remix)
18 - Section 25 - Looking From A Hilltop
19 - Throbbing Gristle - Adrenaline
20 - Alien Sex Fiend - Get Into It
21 - New Order - Ecstasy
22 - Suicide - Mr - Ray
23 - Sonic Youth - Killin Yr - Idols
24 - Ipso Facto - Baulderdash
25 - Damn Arms - The Cormorant
26 - Wire - On Returning
27 - Oto - Anyway
28 - Bauhaus - Dancing
29 - The Cure - Primary
30 - Passions - Composure (Instrumental)
31 - Radiohead - Climbing Up The Walls
32 - David Bowie - Subterraneans
Read this article
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Saturday, 16 May 2009
The Sisters Of Mercy - The Reptile House EP
Time for a reappraisal? Check out this article in The Quietus, summing up my thoughts precisely on The Sisters. In the pre-Primal Scream days I prone to wearing the odd bit of black clothing and bought up the entire catalogue of The Sisters Of Mercy. Fuckin loved them, and regret the day I sold all their stuff.
During a 2-week temporary job in 1995, this guy let it slip that he had a mail order record business. I got one of his catalogues and it was mostly pish like U2 and Queen, but I saw that he had one Sisters record for sale. I was skint at the time, and had all these Sisters and Mission records that were worth fuck all in 1995. Ended up selling the lot to him for £200 - he was using the Record Collector price guide which hadn't taken account of the fact that no-one gave a fuck about embarrassing dodgy goth records at that time, result!
Never regretted selling the Mission stuff, but in recent times I've taken a wee notion for the Sisters again. Went to a record fair in Glasgow recently and picked this up (again) for the princely sum of £3.00 - I sold it for more than that! Best tune? Fix, by a bawhair.
Credibility on the line here, but who gives a fuck. Check out this YouTube clip to see them in their full glory...
The Sisters Of Mercy - The Reptile House EP
A1 - Kiss The Carpet
A2 - Lights
AA1 - Valentine
AA2 - Fix
AA3 - Burn
AA4 - Kiss The Carpet (Reprise)
Buy it here
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Labels: sisters of mercy
Friday, 15 May 2009
Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia - Maenad
Repost with extra tracks:
What to say about this bunch? Bunch o'weirdos from the Netherlands, in with all the Temple Ov Psychick Youth malarkey (entry requirement = a sample of your blood, saliva and spunk).
Doesn't stop them from making brilliant spooked-out tribal music though. They played at the first ever Pure at Barrowlands and I got told that their pre-gig ritual was to lie in silence complete darkness for an hour before they went onstage (at the Barras? Dearie me). Got talking to the merchandise guy and was checking out their latest release at the time which was a double-pack of 'rhythms' for mixing. The guy said "if you're getting it get the vinyl rather than the CD 'cos you get an extra track". I didn't do CDs but was intrigued as the tracklistings were the same. "You play side A and side C on decks at the same time and it creates an extra track with hidden messages". My mind exploded at this point and I had to run upstairs to see Derrick May. Crazy days and nights back then...
Eventually when I did get my decks I tried it out one night. Load of pish! That guy must'a been fucked...
Anyway here's the best mix of Maenad. Enjoy.
Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia - Ov The Maenads
*EDIT* - as per request in the comments box, here's the other two mixes:
Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia - The Valley
Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia - Beyond
Buy it here
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Labels: psychick warriors, pwog, topy
Boo Williams - Midnight Express EP
No, not anything to do with Giorgio Moroder's classic 'Chase' soundtrack, but the title track of a classic Relief EP form 2005. A bit of a shit pressing, it always seemed a bit too distorted to me, but they're all like that apparently. At least it wasn't on Trax records - they were the worst pressings ever.
Track A2 & B2 have both got lockgrooves on them - I was out of the room there for A2 and thought it had got a bit repetitive (9 mins later!) - I've done a wee fade for you on them both. My pick o'the bunch is track B1 - it got the most plays back in the day. A perfect representation of what Relief Records was all about, I reckon...
Boo Williams - Midnight Express EP
A1 - Midnight Express
A2 - Planet Earth
B1 - Cloud Burst
B2 - Blast Off
Buy it here
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Labels: boo williams, relief
Eddie "Flashin" Fowlkes - Stella 2
What a fuckin riff this tune has - an insane synth, very 'enthusiastic' drums and percussive noises that sound like bubbling water. Magnificent! This dates from 1995, when Peacefrog was churning out consistently high quality tunes on what seemed like a weekly basis.
The B-side's a surprising departure - breakbeats from a Detroit dude?!? Hmmm. Can't say I've listened to it much, but fire it up and see what you think. It does have a great spacey flanged bit that comes in though, so that's good enough for me...
A - Stella 2
B - Bust The Jam
Buy it here
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Labels: eddie flashin fowlkes
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Saint Etienne - Kiss And Make Up (Remix)
A bit mainstream today, isn't it..?
Saw this lot last night doing the Foxbase Alpha album in full, which was FAB. Here's the remixes of their debut 12" in all its glory.
Sarah Cracknell is still looking hot (photos here, and no I'm not one of those cunts who spends a whole gig taking pics, these were were quick, in rapid succession), last night she was wearing a tartan trouser suit with occasional feather boa. We were right down the front (close enough to make out her gammy eye), and I managed to catch a mini-Mars that Sarah chucked in the crowd during Wilson ("would you like some sweets, Willy?"). At one point in the encore their equipment fucked up and a few fannies down the front (not me) started shouting out for willfully obscure tracks. Poor Sarah looked a bit spooked by this and didn't quite know how to respond. A great show - go check it out if you get the chance.
A - Kiss And Make Up (Midsummer Madness Mix)
B - Kiss And Make Up (Midsummer Dubness Mix)
Buy it here
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Labels: saint etienne
The Future Sound Of London - Papua New Guinea
Took a wee notion to fire this up after seeing my good lady dancing around the kitchen to it the other morning. Dunno how much of a waste of time it is, as I reckon most of you will have this anyway. So fuck - here's all 7 mixes ripped for your delectation.
Much as I love this Weatherall mix, for once it's not as good as the classic original. I always thought it was a bit weird that the 'original 12" mix' was under 5 mins long, but there you go. B1 mix has a jump on it, but this 12" got played to death back in the pre-decks days on a shitty turntable...
The Future Sound Of London - Papua New Guinea
A1 - 12" Original
A2 - Andrew Weatherall Mix
A3 - Dub Mix
B1 - Journey To Pyramid
B2 - Monsoon Mix
B3 - Graham Massey Mix
B4 - Dumb Child Of Q Mix
Buy it here
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Labels: 808 state, future sound of london, weatherall
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Steve Poindexter - The Remixes
"Work that, work that mutha fucker..."
I bought this for the Edge Of Motion mix of the classic track mentioned above, and was delighted with the other three remixes on the 12". DJAX went through a phase of getting old Chicago tracks mixed by European folks, and this is quite a line-up. Like A Tim cuts the sample down to "" for a while - a nice sentiment indeed.
The two tracks on the B-side do away with any vocal and are both great wee old-skool tracks. Check out the backwards drum bits and great acid hook on B2...
Steve Poindexter - The Remixes
A1 - Work That Mutha Fucker (Edge Of Motion Mixx)
A2 - Work That Mutha Fucker (Like A Tim Mixx)
B1 - Chillin' With The "P" (Mad Maxx Mixx)
B2 - Born To Freak
Buy it here
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Labels: acid, djax, edge of motion, like a tim, max404, mike dunm, steve poindexter
China White - China White EP
Another DJAX EP here, from 1993. Bit of an unusual one, in that the three guys responsible don't look (to me anyway) as if they've done much else. Ever. Two of them had an EP out called Dark Llama and that's it!
It's a great EP as well, dunno what happened after. Mind you, given the not-so-subtle name of their act maybe they chose not to choose life, and we know what happens then, right kids?
After a fairly average low-key A1 track, it all gets going with A2, as so many of those DJAX efforts do. Loads of great acid noises going on, with a nice subtle synth riff sneaking in behind it. B1 tones down the acid a wee bit and ups the strings. B2 is the one I always remember though, a great bass hook that I've heard out and about a few times back in the day...
China White - China White EP
A1 - Theme From The Underground
A2 - Batteries Not Included
B1 - C-Plex
B2 - No Sell Out
Buy it here
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Labels: china white, djax
Monday, 11 May 2009
The Secret Order - Tri Tone EP
... aka Conemelt. Another one from New Ground Dance Division, more are available here. 1994 must have been quite a year for this lot, as there were albums, double-pack 12"s and all sorts of 'aka/alias' nonsense flying around on various labels. Think I managed to get them all but doubtless will have missed something.
This is quite an upbeat selection, still retaining the trademark lo-fi feel. The live version of the A-side is fairly unrecognisable on the B-side. Saw Conemelt live a couple of times and they always managed to put on a mind-blowing show...
The Secret Order - Tri Tone EP
A - Transgression One
B1 - Transgression One (Live In Taffeta Mix)
B2 - Plus Three Quarters To The Flaw
Buy it here
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Labels: conemelt
Killing Joke - The Pandemonium Single
After I read Tommy's comment for this post, I realised that I no longer had a copy of the magnificent Requiem (A Floating Leaf Always Reaches The Sea Mix), as spun by Mr Weatherall many a time in the early 90s. Due to my being a fanny and ditching a perfectly good CD single with i t on it, I bought the fucker on vinyl off Discogs so that I could stick it up here. It's a bit crackle-tastic but that's fine once it gets going.
The three mixes of Pandemonium? A1 = a great 1994-period-trancey mix, courtesy of Man With No Name. A2 = one for the Ministry fans, industrial as hell. B2 = well, they were on Sabres weren't they? Go figure...
Killing Joke - The Pandemonium Single
A1 - Pandemonium (The Dragonfly Mix)
A2 - Pandemonium (Cybersank Extended Mix)
B1 - Requiem (A Floating Leaf Always Reaches The Sea Mix)
B2 - Pandemonium (Waxworth Industries Mix)
Buy it here
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Labels: killing joke, man with no name, orb, waxworth industries, weatherall
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Propaganda - Wishful Thinking
A remix album from the mid 80s, but don't let that put you off. This sees Bob Kraushaar & Paul Morley(!) remixing the band's debut album, A Secret Wish. I've always been a sucker for albums like this, and was inspired to put it up by Castles In Space's recent League Unlimited Orchestra post.
This album was released in Europe as a souvenir of Propaganda's Autumn 1985 outside world tour (against the band's wishes, but ZTT were on a mission at this point). I didn't manage to catch them live (partly because their live drummer was Steve Jansen from Japan) but was too young for that sort of behaviour.
The tracks are all mixed together, so there's two files - one for each side.
Propaganda - Wishful Thinking
A1 - Abuse
A2 - Machined
A3 - Laughed
A4 - Loving
B1 - Jewelled
B2 - Loved
B3 - Abuse
B4 - Thought
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Friday, 8 May 2009
Round One - I'm Your Brother
... where Maurizio goes vocal house!
The third (fourth?) offshoot from Basic Channel was Main Street records, home of Moritz & Mark's house adventures. This features the title sung inna 'Caravan-Of-Love' stylee over a great uplifting house groove.
Check out Chez & Ron's darker, twisted take on things on the flip - they do away with the main vocal in favour of a few wee snippets.
A bit different from yer average Basic Channel release, no???
Well worth checking out...
A1 - I'm Your Brother (Club Version)
A2 - I'm Your Brother (Edit)
B - I'm Your Brother (Chicago's Twisted Mix)
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Labels: basic channel, maurizio
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Atom Heart - Mother / 2005
What a fuckin 12" this is.
The A-side's a great spacey flanged pulse that sucks you right in and fucks you around for over 10 mins before spitting you out. We *heart* the flange. As for the B-side...
Mind that Transform - Transformation track that was knocking about on Rising High in the 'Secret Life Of Trance' era? It was OK, but here's Atom Heart's take on the same vocal sample, MUCH much better than the Transform tune. Man, I'd forgotten how much I love this till right now.
A - Atom Heart - Mother
B - Atom Heart - 2005
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Sapiano - Maniak
I've heard loads of DJs over the years make great use of the big spirally noise at the end of Hole In One's 'N.Counter Of The 4th Kind' track (one for the future - not got it in this flat). This is the first actual track I came across that uses it.
It's certainly clearing out the cobwebs from my Thursday at work. Sounding magnificent as I type this. The original mix was always the one for me, but you can make up your own mind. Track B1 does away with the big spirally noise for some reason. FYI - Black & Brown? ... known to their mums as Daz Saund & Trevor Rockcliffe. That's that sorted out then...
Sapiano - Maniak
A - Maniak
B1 - Maniak Groove
B2 - Maniak (Black And Brown Remix)
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Labels: hole in one, sabrettes, sapiano
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Azymuth - Supafat Re-Rubs
Anyone for some Brazilian samba, funk and jazz? A bit of 'Jazz Carnival'? Thought not, don't worry - the Global Communication mix of this tune is a great wee flowing deep housey number, which would fit in nicely with this pair from a while back...
The B-side's remix by Roc Hunter's a winner as well. Tried out that Brazilia/Tropicalia thing one night in Glasgow (Optimo involved, go figure) but didn't really dig it. No sign of it anywhere on this 12", thank fuck...
Azymuth - Supafat Re-Rubs
A - Jazz Carnival (Global Communication's Space Jazz Mix)
B - The Quest? (Azymuth Theme) (Supafat Re-Rub)
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Labels: azymuth, global communication, Roc Hunter
Rude Solo / Christian Morgenstern - Dark Eldar
This has to rank as one of the more unusual Weatherall records. Get this - him & Keith Tenniswood record two tracks for half a split 12" (so far, so good), but THIS 12" forms part of a twelve-part vinyl series, each with its own a unique theme for a different type of species - a musical interpretation of a fantastic world (their words, not mine) from the "Warhammer 40,000" universe. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Now, I realise that some folk might think I'm a bit of a sad cunt for spending over an hour a day uploading techno records from 15 years ago to an internet blog seen by a few hundred people, every comment made giving a wee buzz to the heart, but COME ON. These 'Dungeons & Dragons' types take saddo culture to a whole new level...
... or am I missing something here?
Oh, the record? Two Lone Swordsmen in 'breaks' mode on the A-side, Christian Morgenstern does a techno-y track followed by a fairly low-key electronica affair. Fuck - just found out he died in 2003, aged 27.
Right-ho, will go and dig out something uplifting for post #2...
Rude Solo / Christian Morgenstern - Dark Eldar
A1 - Rude Solo - Dark Eldar
A2 - Rude Solo - Mysterious World
B1 - Christian Morgenstern - The Gathering (And The Departure)
B2 - Christian Morgenstern - Tactics
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Labels: Christian Morgenstern, weatherall
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Optimo - Drum Attack! Mix
A few years back, JD Twitch did a great series of monthly mixes for the Optimo site. They all had different themes, and were always a nice wee treat for the iPod. Only snag was that they were encoded at a pish bitrate - 128kbps to be precise.
This one was always a favourite of mine, especially the mixing of the TV On The Radio track over the Liquid Liquid one. Magnificent! So - a request popped up on the Echatio Forum the other day, asking if someone could repost it. Being the generous chap he is, Twitch not only uploaded it, but stuck it up at 320kbps! Get this one down your internet pipe - it is truly special. Twitch, if you're reading this, can we get a 320 of the "What On Earth..." one next...?
Optimo - Drum Attack! Mix
Flying Rhythms - Trance Space (JD Twitch re-edit)
Syclops - Mom, The Video Broke
Villalobos - Dexter (Truffle Club drum-off)
TV on the Radio - Staring At The Sun
Liquid Liquid - Bellhead (DFA 2004 Version)
Fela Kuti - Zombie (JD Twitch re-edit)
The Impossible Dreamers - Spin
ESG - Standing In Line
23 Skidoo - Fire
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Alec Empire - Limited Edition 2
Was having a flick through some records there and this one jumped out - when I was going to work this morning I clocked a poster for Alec Empire playing a gig the other night at Ivory Blacks in Glasgow. For anyone who doesn't know, this is a shithole of the highest order, formerly home to tribute bands and now seems geared up for showcase gigs for local unsigned 'talent' & death metal! I've heard he's pish now anyway...
Unfortunately I couldn't fit this 'must see' event into my busy bank holiday weekend, so am having to make do with this great EP from 1994. Not what you'd expect from the "Teutonic techno rock terror" (c) The List magazine. Aye, sounds much less frantic than most of his other output. Like a sinister take on the Detroit sound with a wee bit of acid thrown in for good measure, the B-sides sound absolutely fuck-all like I initially imagined. The A-side is so quiet / beatless that I initially thought it was a one-sided 12" - I shit you not.
Alec Empire - Limited Edition 2
A - Untitled
B1 - Untitled
B2 - Untitled
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Sunday, 3 May 2009
Andrew Weatherall - 6 Mix - 2 May 2009
Another fill-in for the Queens Of Noize on 6music on a Saturday night. Excellent stuff here from Mr Weatherall, including a Manics remix! I've not had a chance to listen to it properly yet, but cannae wait to do so.
Looks like this is gonna be a semi-regular thing from now on, he says "back in six weeks" at the end of it. Yee-ha!
Andrew Weatherall - 6 Mix - 2 May 2009
Andrew Weatherall - Selective Walking
M. Ashraf - Dama Dam Mast Qalander
Wooden Shjips – For So Long
Hello to Moggieboy
Kid Congo – Black Santa
Seeland – Hang On Lucifer
Thee Oh Seas - Ruby Go Home
Brakes - Don’t Take Me To Space (Man)
Love Is All - Last Choice
Gareth Sager – Not Since The Accident
Ebony Bones – W.A.R.R.I.O.R.
Camera Obscura – Swans
Handsome Furs – Nyet Spasiba
Fad Gadget – For Whom The Bell Tolls
Andrew Weatherall - Liar With Wings
The Horrors – Who Can Say
Shirley Ann Lee - There’s A Light
Steve Earle – Lungs
Honky Finger – Running On Empty
Blue Bambinos – Cherin
Joe Gideon & The Shark - Civilisation
Wild Billy Childish – The Good Times
Andrew’s Bank Holiday Disco Mix:
Manic Street Preachers – Peeled Apples (Andrew Weatherall Remix)
Donna Droid - Unknown
Snatch Show – The Emperor Machine
Deep End - Unknown
Bamboo Birdcage – Try To Look Up
Fort Knox - Pussy Galore Night Fever
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Saturday, 2 May 2009
Primal Scream - LA House Of Blues, 2000
What to say about Primal Scream? They've been my favourite band for about the last 20 years, seen them all over the place a ridiculous amount of times over the years, and will continue to do so for as long as they choose to play. Always a mental night!
This is the best live show I've ever heard by them, from LA in 2000 (XTRMNTR tour). Check the lineup: the band complete with Kevin Shields on full sonic attack duty, along with a horn section and a flautist, not to mention the addition of Sex Pistol Steve Jones for the encore. They are on fuckin fire here, with a stunning set to boot. Hell, even the usual lowlights of Medication and Rocks sound great on this.
Don't know the source of the recording, but it's perfect quality. I defy you not to get goosebumps when you hear Shoot Speed Kill Light. Be sure to check in on the Webadelica forum if you're a fan, plenty more goodies in the download section...
Primal Scream - LA House Of Blues, 2000
Swastika Eyes
Shoot Speed, Kill Light
Burning Wheel
If They Move, Kill 'Em
Insect Royalty
Keep Your Dreams
Kill All Hippies
Blood Money
Sick City
Higher Than The Sun
Movin' On Up
Kick Out The Jams
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Labels: primal scream
Friday, 1 May 2009
Secret Knowledge - Afterworld
Hmmm - this is a one-sided 12" white label jobby, dunno whether it actually got a proper release. Doesn't look like it from Discogs. Think I picked it up round about the time I saw SK supporting Saint Etienne at the Garage (back when it was the Mayfair) in Glasgow. Remember thinking what a wee chap Needs was - I always expected him to be a big tall cunt. I cornered him to ask when he would be playing at Pure, but it never happened (probably no bad thing)...
Similar kinda structure to Sugar Daddy, if not in the same league, it's well worth a punt. In fact, having just listened to it right through it's way better than I remember.
Secret Knowledge - Afterworld
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Planetary Assault Systems - Planetary Funk Vol. 3 (Visit To Pro-form iii)
My favourite Planetary Funk, this one. It's definitely a game of two halves - side A is full-on bangin' techno, I've heard both tracks played out over the years, mostly at Club 69. Side B is more contemplative, a very nice all-rounder.
Saw Luke play live with a full band at Glastonbury a few years back, on the Jazz-World stage of all places (my one and only trip to that stage). He was tip top back then, and I hear there's a new Planetary Assault Systems album in the pipeline for 2009. Cannae wait...
Planetary Assault Systems - Planetary Funk Vol. 3 (Visit To Pro-form iii)
A1 - Starway Ritual
A2 - React Interact
B1 - Forms
B2 - Sleeping Sin Seemless
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